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Kit & Rogue (The Sons of Dusty Walker) Page 6

  A slight tap on the door drew her attention. Going to see who it was, she found a steward with a beautiful bouquet of white roses. “Oh, how gorgeous!” she exclaimed.

  “From your groom.” He gave a slight bow before leaving.

  Burying her face in the velvety blooms, she inhaled their sweet fragrance.

  It was time.

  Locking the door behind her, Kit made her way to the place where everyone waited for her. When she stepped out in the open air, she gasped. Kit had never seen bluer water. The setting was magical. She couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful chapel than the Captain and crew provided for their wedding. Billowing white curtains framed a flower bedecked dais where Rogue stood waiting for her. His smile and extended hand erased every doubt she’d entertained.

  “Hey, beautiful. I’m glad you didn’t leave me standing at the altar.”

  His voice calmed her. He sounded sure and strong. She placed her palm to his and he brought their joined hands to his chest. The Captain and several others were waiting on them. The license that she’d provided had been signed and only awaited the final authorizing signature. As they took their places, music wafted in the air and the sun shone its blessing upon them as the ceremony began.

  Kit was paying attention to every moment, each word was being written on her heart. She felt like she was living a dream.

  “Will you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

  “I do.” Rogue’s voice was confident and steady.

  “Will you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

  “I do.” Kit voice was soft and tremulous.

  The Captain smiled. “By the powers vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Rogue Walker.”

  Rogue placed a gentle hand on the side of her face. “I can kiss her now?”

  The Captain laughed. “Yes, you may kiss the bride!”

  Kit was lost in the adoring look he gave her. Rogue didn’t rush it. He lowered his mouth until it just touched hers, then he caressed her lips with his–slowly. It was a kiss of devotion, a kiss of promise, reminiscent of a first kiss. And she guessed it was, their first kiss as man and wife. After the first gentle touch, he clasped her to him and kissed her passionately until the people standing around began to clap. When their lips finally parted, she felt like the luckiest woman in the world.

  “Congratulations!” The Captain and others gathered around.

  “There’s a champagne reception in my private quarters. Will you join me?”

  “For a little while,” Rogue agreed, accepting the older man’s handshake.

  Nodding the Captain grinned. “I understand. You have more important things to attend to.”

  Rogue looked at his new bride. “That I do, that I do.”

  The reception was nice, there was even a wedding cake. People who sat near their table in the main dining area had been invited as well as those who they’d met in cabins near their own. Kit didn’t know many of their names, but she appreciated them taking the time to celebrate their happiness. Hopefully, Rogue hadn’t minded, he didn’t act like he did. It was strange how people reacted to being around family versus being around strangers, maybe it boiled down to expectations.

  Of course, there was music. Nowhere on the ship was void of music. The bride and groom shared one romantic dance, then Rogue spoke to the Captain, saying a few words before returning to Kit. Placing a hand on her hair, he leaned closer to her face. “I want to be alone with you now. Is that okay?”

  “Yes, I want that too.” Even though they’d been together for almost a month, made love many times–this was different. Together they took their leave, hurrying to be alone. Once the door was closed behind them, they undressed one another with reverence. “Do you feel different?” Rogue asked as he slipped her shoes from her feet.

  Kit took her time answering. “Yea, I feel…happy and secure.”

  “That’s exactly how I want you to feel.” Rogue slipped an arm under Kit’s knees and picked her up. Carrying her to the bed, he lowered her to the mattress.

  She looked at him wistfully, wanting to preserve the moment. Sliding her arms around his shoulders, she spread her legs making room for him. “My husband.”

  Rogue settled between her legs, his cock pressing at the sweet spot between her thighs. His big body above hers seemed to be a shelter from the rest of the world. “Yes, I’m yours, and you’re mine. That makes what we’re doing different.”

  Kit nodded, a tear coming in her eye. “I feel the same way. This means something.”

  “That’s why they call it consummation, it makes us complete,” he whispered, feathering kisses over her face.

  Kit sighed. “I didn’t know I’d married a romantic.”

  “Get used to it.” Rogue murmured. “I’m going to enjoy being married to you.”

  “Yea, years of fun and wild sex.” She was teasing him, her fingers reaching up to pet his lightly furred chest.

  “Not tonight, Kit-Kat.” Her face immediately fell, but he laughed. “Tonight’s special, we’re going to make love.” Leaning down to nuzzle her cheek, he gave her earlobe a nip, bringing a giggle to her lips.

  As if her joy opened the flood gates of passion, they consumed one another. Kissing. Touching. Breathing one another’s breath. He paid homage to her breasts, worshiped between her thighs, then rose up to join his body with hers.

  Kit closed her eyes in ecstasy, the sweet invasion was always the same, a wonderful fulfilling stretch as she accommodated him.

  “You’re so tight, feels so good.” Rogue moved over her, flexing his hips, working his cock into her eager channel. “Just relax baby, we’re made for each other. Let me love you.”

  Lifting her hips, she opened herself up to him–wanting everything he had to give. “I want that, yes. Love me, Rogue.” He joined his lips to hers, kissing her sweetly as she relaxed enough to let him slide all the way into her body, possessing her completely.

  Groaning, he shook. “Fuckin’ perfect. You’re mine, Kit. Mine.” Sliding his hand under her thigh, he placed her leg over his shoulder, leaving a trail of kisses along her creamy skin to the inside of her knee. She was vulnerable before him, so delicate and feminine. He traced a pattern on her skin, writing his name, branding her in his own way.

  When his fingers met the plump folds of her vulva, delving between them to find her clit, she shivered in his arms. He rubbed, swirling his finger around the sensitive button. Her body quivered against him. “I only want to belong to you.” She looked up into his vivid green eyes, watching his face as he pushed in deeper, taking pleasure in her body.

  As he began to move in and out, she moved with him, loving the sweet friction. “This is so good, Rogue.”

  “You were made for me.” He played with her clit. “Raise up and look at us.”

  She was so close, but she obeyed, angling up. To her delight, the position seemed to only make it sweeter. When she focused on the spot where they were joined, she was struck by the miracle of it all. “We are beautiful.” Watching him slide in and out, coated with her essence, she was struck by how perfectly he was made. He slid in, disappearing into the small opening in her body, then pulled out–inch by glorious inch. A celebration of their differences–man and woman. “I love making love to you,” she confessed with a hitch in her voice.

  As if her words fueled his desire, he pressed in–harder, deeper–moving in and out faster and faster. She parried his thrusts, flexing her pussy around him. She was showing him how much she craved him. Pleasure mounted as he changed positions, lifting her leg higher, hammering his cock deeper. Her clit throbbed, her pussy grasped at him, her whole body trembled. “Rogue, oh, Rogue…”

  “Yes, baby?” He continued to fill her–retreat and conquer–retreat and conquer. He continued to love her with his body, bringing her nearer and nearer to the paradise of release. Heat flashed through her, Kit’s whole body spasmed with pleasure. She bowed her back, thrusting her breasts
up, her arms coming up to pull him down close. Kit needed to feel all of him, “I love you, Rogue, I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too, Katherine Walker.” Still driving to the finish, he held himself up on his arms and drove home–over and over again. The hunger of his passion sent her spiraling into another orgasm. As her pussy contracted around his manhood, he pushed deep one more time and held, closing his eyes at the perfection. His cock throbbed deep within her, filling her with his cum–he was home.

  Kit wrapped herself around him while he held her close, stealing kisses, chanting words of praise and love. She was so happy, she didn’t think her body could hold all the joy.

  Rogue rolled over, carrying her with him. “Sleep, baby. You’re mine. There’s nothing in this world that will ever tear us apart.”

  * * *

  The rest of the cruise was ideal. They enjoyed every minute of it, planning their future and adding more pinto beans to the jar. When they docked in Galveston, Kit was anxious to get home and check on her mother. She knew Rogue had a lot to do too. After retrieving their luggage, they rode the shuttle to the parking lot where his truck was housed several blocks away. She waited by the terminal while he paid them out. Kit wasn’t paying a lot of attention, until she heard Rogue curse.

  “What the fuck?”

  She immediately went to him. “What’s wrong?”

  “My damn credit card was declined.” He pulled out his wallet. “I’ve had that Cabela’s card for ages, I have the highest credit limit to be had and I pay it off every month. Dammit!”

  “I’m sure it’s just a glitch, a mistake.” She tried to reassure him.

  After paying the bill in cash, he got their luggage. He was irritated and she tried to make him feel better. “Isn’t there a 1-800 number you can call?”

  Loading their luggage in the backseat of the double-can dually, he grumbled. “Yea, it’s just a hassle, that’s all.”

  They drove from Galveston to Austin to catch their flight. He left his truck at the ranch, while he checked some of the stock and conferred with his ranch hands. Kit spent time with Jester, his miniature horse. When Rogue was ready to go, she asked hopefully. “When can we bring Jester to Kansas?”

  Rogue smiled, clearly in a better mood. “Soon. He misses me. Especially if Mother moves near us, there’s no reason for him to stay here.”

  After finishing up at the ranch, they made for the airport, catching the flight to Kansas with no problems.

  But that was the last time they could make that claim…

  They’d no sooner arrived in Red Creek when the trouble started. Kit had gone to see her mother and break the news that she and Rogue had married on the cruise when she learned that one of her horses was missing. Just gone. Jack Alfred, one of the groundskeepers at White Wing had discovered it when he’d gone to check on them as Kit had requested. “What do you think happened? Do you think she jumped the fence?”

  Jack shook his head, running his hand along the edge of the top rail. “I don’t know, this fence is high. I’ve never seen any of the stock even attempt to jump it.” He moved on down the fence line. “I walked the perimeter yesterday. I saw no footprints, but I did see some tire tracks at one of the back gates.” He looked Kit square in the face with a serious expression. “I think she was stolen. I’ve contacted the Sheriff. He and his deputies came out and looked around. I gave them a photo and some information on the animal. They’ve started an investigation, but sometimes crimes like this are hard to solve.”

  Kit frowned. “I don’t have a clue what else to do, I’ll get with Rogue as soon as I go check on Mother.” She placed a hand on Jack’s arm. “Thanks for helping me.” With a smile she gave him her good news. “On a brighter note, Rogue and I were married a few days ago.”

  Instead of the expected congratulations, her friend gave her a frown instead. “He’d better be good to you.”

  Kit was a bit taken aback. “Of course, he’ll be good to me. You know he saved me from Dave, he found the bearer bonds that my father left. I love him, Jack.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” The old man looked off into the distance. “I knew Dusty Walker. In a lot of ways, he was a good man. He helped a lot of people. But he had a problem, the evidence of that is Rogue and those other three. They’re all the spitting image of Dusty and every one of them had a different mother. There’s bad blood there, Missy. I just hope your man didn’t inherit Dusty’s wandering eye.”

  Jack’s bald statement floored Kit. At first, a wave of fury hit her. “I really don’t think…” She swallowed the last few words of the angry retort. Her friend was only concerned for her. She paused for a second and calmed down. “Jack, you don’t know Rogue like I do. He’d never cheat on me. He loves me.”

  The weathered-faced gentleman she’d known for a decade, gave her a quick hug. “I hope he doesn’t. You deserve only the best this world has to offer. And if he does…he has to answer to me.”

  Telling her mother the news was actually easier than Kit imagined. When she arrived at her family home, it was to find Sheila in the midst of a major house cleaning. Stacks and piles of things were all over the front room–clothes, housewares, papers. “What are you doing?”

  “Oh, you’re back!” Kit found herself smothered in her mother’s embrace. “I’m doing some serious sorting and culling. Getting rid of dust-catchers and bad memories.”

  “I can see that. Are you okay?” Kit asked, seeing the circles under her mother’s eyes. “Have you been sleeping?”

  “Oh, I’m good.” She waved her hand at the mess around them. “This needed to be done. No time like the present.” Looking at her daughter, she smiled. “You look great! I see you got some sun. I’m so glad to see you? How was the cruise?”

  Kit hesitated, then just plunged in. “I know we were thinking about a big wedding. But…Rogue and I got married onboard ship.” She held her breath, waiting for her mother’s reaction.

  “You’re kidding! I’m thrilled!” She gave her daughter another hug and a kiss on the cheek. “I just hate I couldn’t be there to see you.”

  “We’ll have a party, renew our vows, do something special soon, I promise.”

  “The most important thing is that you’re happy and no one is more deserving than you.” Sheila had been with Kit the night Rogue had overheard her defending him, revealing that she was pregnant–the night he’d proposed. Her mother wished her well. “I think Rogue is a good man. He reminds me of your father.”

  “He means the world to me. I trust him completely.” Finding solace in Sheila’s words, Kit offered her mother support in the ordeal with Dave. “If there’s anything you need, let me know.”

  Dave was being sent to prison and she was trying to sort out the mess he’d left and initiate proceedings for a divorce. “I have a meeting tomorrow with Mr. Benner, he’s offered to help me.” Shelia patted her hair. “He was kind to me when I called him on the phone.” Giving her daughter a smile, she added coquettishly. “He’s a widower, you know.”

  Kit bit her tongue. Instead of the admonishing warning she wanted to give her mother, she settled for encouragement. “I know this has been hard on you. Losing Daddy, being tricked by Dave Parker, almost losing our home–it’s been a lot to deal with. Rogue will help us get everything straight. I know Mr. Benner is helping him and his brothers with D. Walker Mineral, he puts Rogue to sleep sometimes, but I think he’s a decent guy.” Giving her mother another hug, she added. “Just take things slow this time.”

  Her mother looked a bit guilty. “I did rush things with Dave. But I’d known him for years, we thought he was your father’s friend.”

  “True.” Kit picked up a greeting card from one pile. Dave had sent it to Sheila. The hearts and flowers on the front made her sad. “I guess it’s hard to really know a person. He fooled me too.”

  They talked awhile longer. Kit didn’t tell her mother about the missing horse, she didn’t want to add to Sheila’s worry. Between the Sheriff and Rogue, they’d
handle it the best way they could. “I’ll see you later, Mom. I’m headed over to my house to unpack, then I’m going into town to see Rogue.”

  “Is he fitting in at D. Walker Mineral?” her mother asked as she stood by the driver’s side door of Kit’s truck.

  “Yes, I think so. I haven’t spent much time with his brothers yet, but if they are anything like him, they’re good men. I know he wants to develop a relationship with them, that’s more important to him than the company itself. He’s just having to change habits of a lifetime. His relationship with his father was a difficult one.”

  “I realize that. I don’t approve of everything Dusty did, he hurt his wife in his quest to have heirs–but he did have a good heart. I’m sure Rogue is just like him in that respect.”

  Kit nodded. “Take care, Mom. I’ll call you later.” Her mother lifted a hand in farewell. As she drove off, Kit wondered at both Jack and her mother comparing Rogue and his father. She hadn’t known Dusty well, but she did know Rogue. He would never hurt her–of that she was certain.

  * * *

  “Being certain of something, doesn’t make it so.” Rogue got up from his desk at D. Walker Mineral to shut his office door. What he had to say wasn’t appropriate for ladies’ ears. “Listen to me, sir. I have perfect fuckin’ credit. I did not put those damn charges on my credit card and I have never been late on a payment in my life.” He listened for a second, then replied. “Shit no, I don’t get a fuckin’ bill, I have the account set up for automatic debits from my bank account.”