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Pretty Face Page 10

  “No regrets tonight. We’re together, that’s all that matters.” Wanting a bit of privacy, Hunter eased her down his body until her feet touched the floor. “Let’s step over here.” He led her to the side of the room between one of the pillars and a palm tree. “Let me look at you.”

  Even though her scar was covered, her hair and eyes unrecognizable, she felt exposed. She’d stood this close to him before, at the house. But this was different. He was attentive, focused, concentrating on her with intensity, as if he wanted to consume her. Cody wrapped her arms around herself to still the tiny quivers of excitement.

  “Cold?” He immediately began to rub his hands down her arms.

  “No, nervous,” she answered, worrying her bottom lip with her teeth.

  Gently, Hunter backed her up against the wall. “Why would you be nervous? It’s me.” He studied her pretty face, what of it he could see. One side of the mask extended farther down her cheek than on the other side. Taking one finger, he touched the smooth skin gently. “I am so happy. It seems like I’ve been waiting for this moment forever. Do you remember what we said we were going to do the moment we met?”

  “Yes.” Cody put her hand over his and moved it so she could kiss his palm. “You said you were going to push me against the wall and…”

  “Kiss you,” he whispered as he bent his head and touched his lips to hers. Soft. Tender. Hunter had anticipated this so much that he wanted to preserve the moment forever. This was Sage, his Sage. An electric sizzle seemed to pass from her body to his. He moved his hands up to frame her throat, the pulse beneath his fingers beat in time with his own heart. When she moved her mouth against his, opening to him, letting his tongue slide in to taste hers, his whole body shook with desire.

  “Get a room, buddy!”

  Someone bumped up against him. Hunter covered Sage’s body protectively with his own.

  “I think he’s drunk.” Cody loved the way Hunter was treating her. She almost told him she had a room, but she supposed it was too early. They should dance and talk first. “Shall we dance or do you want to get a drink and sit at the tables?” She pointed to the glass enclosed garden room.

  “I want to do both.” He sat his drink on a nearby stand, taking her hand and leading her to the dance floor. “Right now, I want you in my arms. I’m not a good dancer, all I can really do is hold you and sway.”

  “Sounds perfect to me.” Nothing had ever felt more natural, Cody allowed him to mold her body to his. Being held against his broad, strong chest was so exciting. “I love being close to you,” she confessed. “Your photos didn’t do you justice.” The moment she brought up the topic, Cody regretted it.

  Hunter’s hand tightened at her waist. “You were always stingy with your pictures, but I have to say you are much more beautiful in person. You’re everything I dreamed you’d be.”

  His beloved voice made Cody want to cry. If she were going to start the arduous journey toward truth, she might as well start now. “Oh, Hunter, I’m all dressed up. Consider how I look now a glamour shot. These curls are hair extensions, my hair is naturally dark and straight.”

  Hunter shook his head. “Stop, I don’t care. I’m just so excited to be with you. I have you in my arms, nothing can spoil this.”

  “I have on colored contacts, my eyes aren’t this blue.”

  Hunter chuckled. “Okay, let’s see. Are these lips real?” He bent and kissed her again.

  “Yes,” she muttered breathlessly between butterfly kisses.

  “How about these?” He clasped her tighter and moved his chest across hers, her breasts mashed against his hard muscle.

  Cody giggled. “Yes, I think the bra makes the most of them but if I were going to go fake, I would’ve gone bigger.”

  “I can’t wait to see them.” Hunter laughed, hugging her even closer. “God, baby, it’s so good to be with you. When you wouldn’t see me, it hurt me so much.”

  Cody reached up and clasped him around the neck, running her fingers up in his soft hair. “I’m so sorry. And before these balls are over, I’ll tell you why. I’ll tell you everything, I promise.”

  Hunter frowned, confused. “I don’t understand, but I trust you.” Shifting her in his embrace, he turned loose of her hand and wrapped both arms around her. “Lay your head on my shoulder and let me hold you.”

  Cody relaxed against him. One song drifted into another. “What’s this tune?” Hunter asked. “I don’t recognize it.”

  “This is If Ever I Cease to Love, the official song of Mardi Gras. It was first used when the Grand Duke Alexis of Russia visited New Orleans in 1867. This was his favorite song. He was honored during that year’s Mardi Gras. Even the colors we use today—gold, green, and purple—were his choice.” She remembered her nana’s words. “This time is my gift to you. I want to make you happy. I want to give you me.”

  Hunter groaned in her ear. “Is it too early to leave? I want you all to myself.”

  “Yea, a little.” Cody giggled. She stood on tiptoe and whispered, “But I have a room for us upstairs.”

  This time he growled. “Can you feel how hard I am?” He pressed his hips against her.

  “You’re always hard,” she murmured, loving the chance to say the familiar words.

  When a singer began to sing the song If Ever I Cease To Love, Hunter put his cheek to hers. “I’m so glad we’re together. I can’t imagine not loving you.”

  Pangs of unease rose in Cody’s stomach. “I hope you feel that way by the time Mardi Gras is over.”

  “I will.” Hunter was sure. “Let’s get something to drink and talk.” He led her through the crowd, accepting two glasses of champagne on the way. They found a small round table next to a fountain. Pulling his chair close to hers, they sat. Hunter turned toward her, running his hand under her hair to caress her nape. “I can’t seem to keep my hands off of you. Tell me something, anything you want me to know.”

  Cody cleared her throat. “I can’t wait to spend these next three nights with you. I want us to cram just as much love, joy, and laughter into them as we can.”

  Instead of making him happy, her words disturbed him. “You’re making it sound like this time will be all we have together.”

  She shook her head. “No, but I think we both knew this was a test. We couldn’t assume that our online chemistry would carry over in person.”

  “True, but since I’ve held you and kissed you, I think I know all I need to know.” He couldn’t look at her enough. It didn’t matter if her eyes were a different color or if her hair was a different style—that smile and her sweet expression was all her own.

  “Thank you.” Sage totally surprised him by leaning over and kissing him on the lips. “Let’s give it time. I want you to be sure.” Hunter didn’t understand the look of sadness that came over her face. He started to ask her to explain when a commotion from the front drew their attention.

  “Ladies and Gentleman, thank so much for attending the first of New Roads Tre Fleur Mardi Gras Balls. Tonight, we celebrate the mysteries and magic of Egypt. The Krewe of Thoth are our special guests and we honor the beautiful white ibis, Thoth’s emblem, which makes an appearance in our part of the world every winter. Our waiters are about to pass out the traditional King Cakes. If you are single gentlemen, you will receive a special one. You know the drill, bite into it and the lucky man who receives the silver bean is tonight’s King and is privileged to spend the rest of the evening with our queen…” He looked at a group of beautiful women to his right. “Whoever she may be. The gold pea will tell the tale.”

  As soon as he was finished, two waiters approached the table. “Sir.” A tray was held out to Hunter. “Good luck.”

  Hunter looked at Cody speculatively, so she explained. “Since you had a single ticket, you get to be in the drawing.” This was something she hadn’t thought of, and knowing her lucky, he’d probably win.

  He frowned but took a tiny brioche pastry from the tray. “Okay. How about you?”
  She smiled. “The queen and her court is kinda rigged. The current Miss Louisiana usually has the title in the bag.” Laughter and murmurs swept through the room. “Taste it, they’re good. But be careful, you don’t want to break a tooth.”

  Hunter took a bite of the buttery treat. “You’re right.” Watching her little tongue lick a crumb from her upper lip was better…but it was still good. Opening his mouth, he took another taste and found a surprise sticking out of the remaining cake. “Look!”

  “You won!” She’d been right. Shocked and dismayed, Cody still managed to smile. At his confused glance, she tried to reassure him. “That’s okay, we can hook up again tomorrow night. You go, have a good time.”

  The Master of Ceremonies was searching the crowd. “Here’s our queen, the lovely Sandra Melancon, Miss Louisiana 2014. Who is our King?”

  Hunter looked around. Another man was standing a few feet away, who had taken a pastry from the same tray. Jumping up, he headed over and whispered to him. The man brightened and took what was in Hunter’s hand.

  “I have it. I have it. I won!” the strange gentleman called out.

  When Hunter returned, Cody grabbed his arm. “Why would you do that? It’s an honor to be chosen, there are prizes involved!”

  Hunter smiled. “Are you crazy? You’re the only prize I want. Why would I trade an evening with the woman I’ve been dying to be with, for a date with someone I don’t know and have absolutely no interest in?”

  Cody put her King Cake down and wiped her fingers. Feeling pure elation, she stood and held out her hand. “Let’s go upstairs.”

  Hunter was tempted to pick her up and stride out with her like a scene from a romantic movie. An overflow of memories threatened to consume him, shared moments of desperate desire, whispered words of love over the miles. “I thought you’d never ask.” When Sage smiled and tugged on his hand, Hunter thought he was going to break his neck getting to the elevator as fast as he wanted to go.

  Together they laughed, both so full of joy and hope that they were about ready to pop. “Come here.” He pulled her into his arms as the doors closed, his lips hovering over hers. “I’m going to love you so good.”

  Cody drew back, staring into his eyes, praying she wasn’t making a mistake. “You always have. Don’t you know you’ve become my life?”

  Hunter followed her as she pulled back, his mouth so close to her that his warm breath caressed her skin with every word. “Why do you think I’m here? Why do you think I came to find you?” He moved his head, brushing his lips back and forth over hers with careful deliberation. “Fantasies of teasing you, making you whimper as I give you pleasure have haunted me for years. I want you, Sage. I want to make you mine. I want to worship you with my body the way I’ve dreamed of doing for so long.”

  Her nipples were so erect, the pressure of them scraping against the lace of her bra made her gasp. “Did we push the button?”

  “No!” He laughed. “What floor?”

  “Six.” As the lift began to move, Hunter slammed his lips against her and her heart pounded as he took her bottom lip between his teeth and sucked on it. Cody wanted to pinch herself, this perfect man wanted her. She let her eyelids flutter close, and she gave herself over to the wonder of his kiss. He was so much more potent than she’d ever thought possible. Her pulse escalated, her fingertips dug into his shoulders as she surrendered.


  “Finally.” This time he didn’t deny his impulse, he placed a hand beneath her knees and one behind her back and lifted her. “You belong to me, Sage Donovan, and I’m about to prove it.”

  “Room six-eleven.” She held up the key. His eyes were hooded and dark with desire.

  “Put it in.” He instructed.

  “Isn’t that my line?” she quipped and Hunter’s eyes widened. Cody giggled.

  The sound was so sweet and so familiar. He loved it. When the lock clicked, he used his foot to push it open. Once inside, he sat Sage down, his eyes never leaving her face. “Let’s take this off.”

  He reached for her mask, and she panicked. “No, no,” she backed away. “I need to leave it on. Please.”

  “Why?” Hunter was at a loss. He didn’t understand.

  “I just have to.” She felt him pulling away. Cody couldn’t let it happen, not since they’d come this far. Remembering Nana’s words, remembering her power, she pushed on Hunter’s chest until he yielded and came to rest against the door. “I’ll remove it on the third night. I just need this time to be more than I am.”

  Hunter allowed her to hold him still, but he wouldn’t allow her to build unnecessary barriers. “I don’t want you to be more than you are. I just want you. I always have.”

  “Hush, let me love you.” She tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled his head down to meet her mouth. Sage’s kiss sent him a message. She was giving herself and asking him to want her. Her lips slid over his, her tongue requesting entrance and when he responded by kissing her back, opening his mouth to accept her invasion, she ate at his mouth with a hunger that sent his senses reeling.

  When she withdrew to catch her breath, he followed, kissing her again. “I’ll let you have your way about the mask, but you’re gonna owe me.”

  “I’ll pay gladly,” she said between nips at his neck as she began working on his clothes, undoing his tie, unfastening the buttons on his shirt.

  One popped off and Hunter didn’t care. He’d buy the damn tux if it meant she’d keep touching him. Her little mouth was hot and her tongue on his skin was like laps of fire. “You’re just as wild as I knew you’d be.”

  Cody was delirious with need. She was making love to Hunter, the man she’d craved for years, the only man she’d ever truly wanted. And he was here…her lips were on his skin, his heartbeat beneath her fingertips. “Can’t help it, I wanted you so much, so long.”

  “You’ve got me, baby. I’m right here.” She had kissed a trail down his chest and now she was on her knees at his feet. “God, you’re beautiful.”

  Cody felt beautiful. “I want to show you what you mean to me.” She undid his pants. “Help me,” she begged, tugging on them.

  Hunter pushed his pants down to his knees. His cock was hard and throbbing, the anticipation of her mouth on him was enough to make his knees weak.

  “I think I can take it from here.” She looked up at him through her eyelashes, as she slipped her small hand inside his briefs to close her fingers around his throbbing erection, feeling the weight of him in her hand for the first time.

  Hunter took the initiative and pushed the underwear down past his thighs as she placed openmouthed kisses on his abs, all the while stroking him up and down. “Can I take you in my mouth?”

  “Fuck, baby,” was all he could say. Forgetting what she’d said about her hair, he wrapped it around his fist. In the bright overhead light, he could see the dark strands mixed with the auburn curls. She didn’t realize that he would cherish the reality of her much more than any false embellishment.

  Taking the expletive as permission, Cody took the thick base of his cock in her hand. She had no talent at this, having only had a couple of awkward encounters with inexperienced boys before she’d been attacked. It had been years since she’d touched a man, so all she could do was follow her instincts. Leaning into him, she opened her mouth and sank down over the head of his cock. Hunter let out a strangled cry as she used her tongue, teeth, and lips to taste every inch of him. The barometer she used to determine her success was the increased rate of his breathing and the encouraging growls coming from deep in his throat. His grip on her hair guided her whether to savor or incite.

  Cody couldn’t get enough, she licked his shaft, swirling her tongue around the head, taking him deep, sucking him until the sounds of pleasure he made kindled her own fires and caused liquid need to drip down the inside of her thigh. Flashing her eyes up to his, she saw that he was looking back at her. Wanting to make him feel good, Cody moved her tongue up and down his le
ngth, tracing a bold vein with her tongue. His lips parted and she knew he was unaware of the low grunts coming from his mouth. He was completely focused on her and the pleasure she was giving him.

  Hunter was on the edge of losing his control. His thighs were jerking. Sage, his wet dream, was on her knees giving him head. Even on the brink of orgasm, he kept wanting to pinch himself to insure this was really happening.

  But it was. The velvet heat of her mouth was heaven and soon he had to have more. He tightened his fingers on her scalp and clenched his hips as he thrust his cock repeatedly between her lips. “Feels so good, Sage.” When he praised her, she closed her eyes and groaned, and he came apart, the pure erotic miracle of being with the woman he’d longed for too good to comprehend. “Sage!” he cried out as he climaxed, his whole body tightening, thrusting helplessly as she held him between her lips, her tongue bathing the tip as it jetted down her throat. Just as he dreamed, she swallowed. Then, Sage proceeded to do to him as she’d promised over and over, she licked him clean, massaging his balls until he was hard as a rock again. “I want to be inside you.”

  “I’m on the verge of cumming,” Cody confessed as he pulled her to her feet. “I can’t wait.” She was desperate, her whole body throbbing with arousal. “Let’s get your tux off before I completely ruin it.” Slipping his jacket from his shoulders, she hung it on the back of a chair, the same with his shirt. When she turned around, he was there, drawing her into his arms. He was naked and she wasn’t, but they couldn’t wait. He drew her down on the bed, astraddle him.

  “I’m crazy for you.” Together they drew her skirt up high enough so he could reach her panties, pushing the crotch out of the way so he could fit the head of his cock to her small opening. “Sage, this is happening, isn’t it?”

  “Oh, yea.” Cody held onto his shoulders as he held her body to his with a big hand on her back, his other reaching between them to part her wet folds. Fixing her eyes on his, they stared at one another behind the shield of their masks. “Hold me, Hunter.”