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Pretty Face Page 11

  He was sitting up, she on his lap, joined to him in the most intimate way possible. At her request, he wrapped his arms around her. The pleasure he’d received by being in her mouth paled as she accepted him inside of her.

  Cody wanted this so much. She held his shoulders, steadying herself. “You’re so big,” she whispered. He was thick, so much bigger than the dildo she was used to. She wasn’t a virgin, but this was her first time in years.

  Hunter massaged her back through her dress, kissing her neck, relishing the feel of Sage working her way down his cock. “You’re so tight, God, you feel like a dream.”

  Closing her eyes, Cody let herself luxuriate in the moment. She was with Hunter, in his arms. She turned her head and crashed her mouth against his, her body gradually relaxing enough to accommodate his cock.

  Groaning, Hunter just let himself feel as he rocked his hips against her, kissing her, their tongues mating together. He didn’t have to do much of the work, Sage seemed insatiable, her hips tightening and rolling as she rubbed against him, riding his cock faster and faster. Breaking the kiss, he gasped for breath. “Feel good, baby?”

  “Yes, yes,” she whimpered, her teeth scraping the cords of his neck. “I can’t stop, too excited.” She gasped as she came, her whole body convulsing, trembling. Hunter felt her pussy clamp down on his cock and he exploded again, filling her with his seed. Over and over, she clenched her muscles, milking every drop from his body.

  They stayed in the same position for a few more long minutes, panting in one another’s arms. Hunter’s body was damp with sweat and he felt contented, complete. “Lie with me,” he muttered as he pulled her down with him, still joined. Sage kissed his throat and let him hold her. “I’ll shut my eyes, just for a second, and then we’ll do it again.”

  Hunter knew no more till the morning light filtering through the curtains roused him. He reached for her and found the bed empty, no one beside him. Like so many times when he’d awoken from a dream, she was gone.

  Chapter Eight

  Friday was her day to clean house, but this was no normal Friday. Cody had no idea whether Hunter would show up to work or not. She’d left him lying in bed at the Southern Belle in the wee hours of the morning, driving herself home in a daze. When she’d arrived, the house had seemed lonely despite the welcoming committee her dogs and cats provided. Cody had tended to their needs before taking a shower where she’d washed the evidence of Hunter from her body.

  Her dress was ruined and she could just imagine the state of his tux. What would he think when he woke up alone?


  The summons from her computer told her she’d soon find out.

  Hunter: Why did you leave me?

  Sage: I needed to think. I’ll see you tonight, if you still want to come.

  Hunter: I still want to cum.

  She smiled at his joke.

  Sage: Same ole Hunter.

  Hunter: No, I’m not. I’m changed. I’ve been with you and I want to be with you again. I want to talk. I want to know who you are and where you are.

  Sage: You want a lot.

  Hunter: I want it all.

  Sage: What are you going to do today?

  Hunter: I have to work and I have to get a new tux, this one is a little worse for wear.

  Cody laughed.

  Sage: I ravished you. Sorry.

  Hunter: It was worth it.

  Sage: I agree.

  Hunter: Tonight, it’s my turn.

  Sage: To what?

  Hunter: Ravish you. Can we skip the ball?

  Cody laughed again.

  Sage: No, we can’t skip the ball.

  Hunter: Damn. Okay. I’ll suffer through to get to the good part.

  Sage: What’s the good part?

  Hunter: You.

  Cody placed a hand over her heart.

  Hunter: Well, I have to go. I’ll see you tonight…where?

  Sage: The Riverbend Plantation. It’s north of

  Cody froze, she’d almost said ‘north of my house.’

  Hunter: north of?

  Sage: It’s on the north part of the lake not far from the hotel we were in last night. I don’t know the address off the top of my head.

  Hunter: No worries, I’ll look it up. Can I pick you up?

  Sage: No, I’d rather meet you there.

  Hunter: Okay. And Sage…I can’t wait till tonight.

  Sage: It’s gonna be hard.

  Hunter: It already is.

  Cody laughed as she shut the computer. Before she could make it from the bedroom to the dining room where she had her coffee pot set up on the buffet, her phone rang. “Hello?”

  It was Marnie. Cody sank down on a chair, the events of the night before rushing back. “It was surreal. We met. He didn’t recognize me, as Cody, I mean.”

  “Well, I’m sort of surprised,” she admitted. “You were beautiful. But to me, you still looked like you.”

  Cody paused. “Hmmm, well, I don’t think so. But he has this whole image built up in his head about Sage. And the only photos he’s seen of me are almost ten years old. I was a different person back then.”

  “You’re the same person, Cody. That scar on your face doesn’t change who you are.”

  She bent over, placing her head on her knees. “Yes, it does. My eye doesn’t even close all the way, Marnie.”

  “Listen to me. I’m well aware of that. I see you often. I probably look you in the face more often than you do.”

  Cody groaned. “You’re right. I’ve learned how to look in the mirror without seeing myself and I avoid looking at all when I don’t have to.”

  “Well, see. You don’t really even know what you look like. You see what you expect to see instead of what’s really there.”

  Marnie was trying to make her feel better. “You might be right. I’m just so scared. This is so important to me and I’ve made so many bad decisions.”

  “Stop it. You are with Hunter. You have the opportunity to show him who you are, to make him really see you.”

  “I know. I know.”

  “Listen, I have news. Hunter has the job at Starlight if he wants it. They still want to talk to him, but if he’s as good as you say he is, it’s a done deal.”

  “Good, I’ll tell him.” A knock at the door caused her to flinch. “I’ve got to go. I think he’s here.”

  “Okay, okay, go to him. I’ll call Trinity and report in and check with you later.”

  “Okay, bye.” She hung up and stood about the time Hunter walked through the door. His knock just announced, he’d grown into the habit of just walking in. Cody was glad he felt at home.

  “Hey, good morning.”

  Hunter smiled, and she had to hold on to the couch to keep from running into his arms. “Good morning. How was your evening?”

  “My evening was incredible. Perfect. Sage was everything I ever dreamed she’d be.” His happiness was contagious. He looked so handsome, his face seemed more relaxed.

  Cody pushed her hair behind her ears. She seemed nervous. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?” Hunter wondered if there was something about his work that was bothering her. Or was it the kiss from yesterday? He hadn’t forgotten it, he’d just pushed it to the back of his mind because of Sage.

  Hunter had no desire to hurt Cody, he’d rather cut off his hand.

  “No.” Cody shook her head. “Everything’s fine. In fact, I have good news.” She walked to her desk. “I know you haven’t decided what you’re going to do. And I’m thrilled about…Sage. So, I wanted to give you something.” Cody took a slip of paper and wrote down an address. “The Pevetos, who own Starlight Plantation, are looking for someone to restore it. If you’re interested, the job is yours. They want to talk to you, but once they see your work, they’ll offer you the job in a heartbeat.”

  Hunter was shocked. “You did this for me?” He stepped closer and took the paper. When he looked down into her face, he got the oddest feeling. He was drawn to her. “Thank
you.” Hunter backed up so fast, he almost tripped.

  Cody winced at his rush to get away from her. “It was no big deal. Marnie, my friend, knows them.” She offered no further explanation. “Okay, while you work, I’m going to take the dogs for a walk. There’s chicken and dumplings in the slow cooker when you get hungry.” Actually, she just needed to get away from him before she did something stupid.

  “Thank you, you’re too good to me.” And she was, Hunter had never met anyone like Cody before. Quickly, he retreated to the kitchen, burying himself in work. He couldn’t wait to see Sage again. When he was with her everything was clear.

  * * *

  He didn’t see Cody anymore that day. She was either busy or avoiding him, and he tried not to think about it too much. When he started to leave, he left a note on the counter, asking her to inspect the work he’d done that day and let him know if anything was amiss. Usually he would’ve been upset at a clients’ missing the end of the day sign-off, but today he was grateful for the reprieve. He didn’t need any distractions. Sage had to be his focus. He wanted her to be his future.

  The man at the formal-wear shop had come through, finding him another tux in his size. He’d paid for the extra cleaning and repairs that needed to be done. Hunter halfway enjoyed the knowing smirk the clerk gave him. Yea, I’ve gotten some and it’s been damn good.

  “Hey, is this yours?” The man held up a small pouch.

  “Yea, it is.” The bracelet, he’d forgotten all about the bracelet. In fact, when Hunter looked back at his evening with Sage, he realized he’d forgotten a lot of things. He’d always prided himself on being a considerate and unselfish lover. Yet, he hadn’t removed her dress, kissed her breasts. He’d barely touched her below the waist with anything but his cock. What she must think? He knew she’d cum. She’d cum so hard that she’d damn near squeezed his cock in two. But he still needed to make it up to her, to show her how he felt. Last night, he’d been too excited to do everything he wanted to do. If she’d stayed instead of escaping like Cinderella, he would’ve made it up to her this morning.

  All of these thoughts ran through his brain as he drove to the motel and dressed for the second ball. He’d laid the bracelet on the dresser alongside the information Cody had given him for the restoration job. Whether or not he stayed would depend on Sage.

  As he locked the motel room behind him, Hunter smiled, wondering what the evening would hold.

  Over at Riverbend Planation, Cody waited…

  The evening was pleasant, the day had been warm for February. Cody stood outside the large white columned building, her eyes on the lake at the bottom of the hill. People were gathering, she could hear their voices calling out to one another in greeting. She’d spoken to several people, trying to be a bit more social than she was the night before. No one recognized her as Dr. Napier and for that she was grateful. Of course, she hadn’t really expected them to.

  The old plantation had been transformed into a wonderland. Huge oak trees were bedazzling with tiny colored lights, mostly white, but with a smattering of green, gold, and purple. The atmosphere was festive. This ball wouldn’t be as formal as the one from the night before. Tonight was the celebration of the Mardi Gras Indians, so the decorations held a distinct Native American influence. Many of the revelers were here, not only in masks, but also in feathered costumes.

  Not Cody. She’d worn the magical green gown that Marnie and Trinity had chosen for her. This one was strapless with a full skirt and a filmy wrap. She felt like a fairy princess. As she turned to walk down the tree lined lane, a movement from the corner of her eye drew her attention. A flash of white caused her to gasp. Had she seen a ghost? Cody moved closer to the trees where she’d seen the movement. She’d been to Riverbend several times and the legend of the place always made her sad. One of the daughters of the original owners back in the late 1700s had fallen in love with the son of another local plantation owner. Her mother forbade the relationship. She only wanted her daughter to marry a French nobleman. The daughter bent to her mother’s will, her heart broken. But the day of the wedding, she’d snapped. Running from the house, down the lane of trees, she’d thrown herself against the trunk of a giant oak, shattering her skull. Now, on evenings such as this, her ghost would appear, fleeing the arms of a man she didn’t love, incapable of living another day without the one who owned her heart.

  Cody understood her devotion. When Hunter found out her lies, he was going to leave her and she didn’t know if she’d want to survive. Two more days to be with him was all she had, so Cody was determined to make the best of them.

  Another flash of white caused Cody to freeze in her tracks. But then the rush of wings made her realize it was only a bird, not a spirit.

  “Sage?” When he called her name, she spun around, her full skirt billowing out around her. Hunter thought she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

  “Oh, Hunter, you startled me. I was out here scaring myself, remembering ghost tales and chasing night birds.”

  Going to her, he placed an arm around her. “I’m here to protect you now.”

  “I need you.” Her admission was about more than safety. She leaned into his chest, and he put a finger beneath her chin and raised her face for his kiss.

  Delicately, he caressed her lips with his, letting his tongue tease the seam until she parted her own and welcomed him in. An indrawn breath and the pressing of her body to his own gave him assurance that she was glad to see him. “I missed you today.”

  Cody cuddled against him. “I still can’t believe we’re together. No more just talking on the phone or texting, I have you here near enough to touch.” As they embraced, strains of Iko Iko floated out among the trees, the iconic Mardi Gras tune made famous by the movie The Skeleton Key.

  “I want to touch. I can’t wait to take this mask off.” He let his finger trace over her face, dipping beneath the feather that lay across her scar.

  Cody jerked back as if he’d burned her. “Not till tomorrow.”

  Hunter didn’t understand. “Okay, baby. We’ll wait.” He took her hand. “Don’t be upset.”

  A voice came over the speaker, introducing the band and the entertainment for the evening. “Let’s go inside.” She started walking. Torches had been lit all along the front of the house, giving the party an untamed feeling. “The lights are called flambeaux and the night parades are lit by men carrying these torches.” A woman greeted them at the door, offering strands of beads. Cody and Hunter bowed their heads and accepted the familiar tokens.

  When they were guided into the ballroom, Hunter was amazed at how different it looked from the night before. There were some similarities—the colors, feathers, beads—but the resemblance ended there. Instead of a formal affair, this gathering had more of a carnival flair. Men flanked two bedecked thrones. Their costumes were elaborate, covered in feathers and beads from head to toe.

  Cody saw him looking and explained. “The Mardi Gras Indians and the Zulus are two of the most famous krewes. Those costumes the Indians wear weigh over a hundred pounds each and they take almost a year to make. I don’t know all of the history, but the African American culture of New Orleans is very intertwined with Indian and Caribbean cultures. The Native Americans helped the slaves cope, sometimes they even helped them escape.” She accepted two wrapped items from a passing waiter. “Here, this is one of the most prized items a person can get at Mardi Gras.”

  Hunter took the object and laughed. “It’s a coconut.”

  “Yes, a Zulu coconut. Hand painted.”

  “Mine’s a face, looks like a warrior, what do you have?” Hunter asked, and Cody held hers up.

  “I have a fleur, my favorite.” She smiled.

  “Cody likes fleurs too,” Hunter said before he thought. At Sage’s expression, he explained. “Cody Napier is the woman I’ve been working for. She has fleur-de-lis all over her house, even the pulls on her cabinets.” God, Hunter felt his face flame. He couldn’t believe he wa
s blushing, remembering that kiss.

  Cody could tell Hunter had said more than he wanted to. She didn’t know what to say, so she started off. “Let’s get a table, then we’ll dance if you want to.”

  Hunter was relieved to get off the subject of Cody. Revelry seemed to be in the air. He pointed to ornate symbols drawn on the floor and on the walls. “What are those?”

  Cody edged closer so he could hear her speak. “I don’t claim to be an expert, but those are veves, voodoo symbols of deity. If you look around, there’s quite a bit of voodoo and hoodoo symbols and decorations.”

  Hunter did look, realizing this was a completely different world than he was used to. Sage’s world. Intermingled among the party decorations were skulls, snakes, moons, stars, and many more symbols that to him appeared unusual. A waiter, dressed in feathers and beads, brought glasses of champagne and their choice of hors d’oeuvres. They sat for a few moments, enjoying the spectacle.

  “Could we dance?” Sage asked, and Hunter immediately rose, drawing her into his arms.

  “Any excuse to hold you is fine with me.” He led her out onto the dance floor where they swayed and twirled. Hunter enjoyed this type of dancing more than the more formal from the night before. But when something began raining on him, he looked up in confusion. “What’s going on?”

  “Throws.” She explained with a giggle. “Look, gold coins and beads. Even some candy.”

  Hunter helped her pick up a few. When he rose up, she tossed something else at him, which he deftly caught. “What’s this?”

  “A key.” She announced with a mysterious smile. “Room 4, upstairs and to your right. We’re staying here tonight. Give me fifteen minutes and join me, I’ll give you a surprise you won’t soon forget.” With that intriguing offer, she gathered up some of their goodies and left him standing there with an open mouth and a hard cock.