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Hell Yeah! Box Set With Bonus Cookbook Page 3

  Libby leaned toward him, her breasts almost touched his chest - almost. She could feel her nipples swell in greeting. It was as if there was an irresistible, gravitational pull between her body and his. Shyly, she looked up at him, his eyes were the color of a dark blue lapis. If she were more schooled in the ways of men, she might have thought she read desire in those lazuli eyes. Not possible. This was Aron. And she was just – just Libby.

  “Our supper is getting cold. Do you think you two could tear yourself away from each other long enough for us to eat?” Isaac always said just what he thought. At the break in the incredible tension in the room, the boys began taking their chairs.

  “Shut-up, Isaac. Mind your manners.” Aron didn’t turn loose of Libby’s hand, instead, he turned it over in his own and led her by it to the dinner table. Waving at Jacob to move out of the way, he held the vacated chair out for Libby to sit in. It was the chair to the right of his. Jacob had to move to the other side of the table. He didn’t mind.

  “I need to serve the food,” Libby began. Aron pointed to the stove and then to Joseph, who stood and proceeded to pass the lasagna and the garlic bread to Noah, who started it down the table for the family to each dish a portion of the delectable food into their plate. The boys were bamboozled, they had never witnessed their older brother acting this way. He was eating Libby up with his eyes, as if she was a lioness in heat and he was the predatory head of the pride, the only male allowed to mate.

  Looking around at the puzzled expressions, he ordered. “Eat.” They instantly obeyed.

  Turning his attention to Libby, he realized he was still holding her hand. It was his eating hand, so he was eventually going to have to turn it loose. Reluctantly, he did so. Now, getting down to business. “Libby, I’m Aron, the eldest of these useless rascals.”

  His eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled. Libby wanted to reach out and soothe the sexy little wrinkles. He had a heavy five o’ clock shadow that she would give a thousand dollars to feel rasp across her breasts. Whew! It was a good thing she didn’t have a thousand dollars or she would be propositioning him right here at the supper table. Finding her voice, she managed to answer. “I know who you are, Aron. When you played ball for Kerrville, I rarely missed a game,” she confessed shyly.

  “Why don’t I remember you?” He visually caressed every nuance of her face. She was exquisite, he wanted to have her for supper, rather than the lasagna.

  Libby racked her brain for a way to answer that question that wouldn’t give away too much of the sad truth. Leukemia had come calling, and effectively took her out of all social circles. She didn’t have to answer. Thankfully, Jacob came to the rescue. “You were the alpha male, Aron. The rest of us mortals merely existed on the outskirts of your orbit. Libby’s twenty-five, she would have been in junior high when you were reigning supreme on the football field and behind the lockers.”

  “I hate I overlooked you, I bet you were as cute as a button.” He never even looked over at Jacob. Accepting the passed around dishes from Joseph, who sat at his left, he filled his plate with lasagna, and then he served Libby’s plate. “There you go, sweetie. Eat up.” Apparently, it was important to Aron that everybody eat their fill. More than likely, this was his way of ensuring their well-being.

  “Thanks, I hope you like the food.” Libby’s appetite was completely gone, or rather, it had changed its focus. Now, her appetite was for one scrumptious cowboy who was setting her heart to racing a mile a minute and making her sweat in places that didn’t bear thinking about. Nathan, who sat to her right, elbowed her. She jumped and faced him. “Hey! What was that for?”

  “This is the best food I’ve ever put in my mouth, Libby. I want you to stay with us forever.”

  Instead of making her feel complimented, the words served to sober her up. Forever. She didn’t have forever, she had two years, at the most. Maybe. Two years to live a lifetime, and Tebow ranch was where she would begin.

  “You had better never let Bess hear you say that, Nathan.” Noah shook his fork at his younger brother.

  “How long will you be with us, Libby?” Joseph reached for the butter, even though the garlic bread already dripped with the creamy condiment.

  “I guess it all depends on how Bess’s granddaughter gets along. Maybe three months, six at the most – that is – if you’re pleased with my performance.” At her words, Aron groaned - audibly - out loud.

  All eyes turned to him, and he had the good grace to look slightly chastened. The innocent words that had come from her tempting mouth had gone straight to his dick. He definitely wanted to be on the receiving end of one of her performances, and by God, he needed to perform in the worst way. “I’m sure that we’ll get along just fine.” There. That sounded like he was halfway sane.

  “Have you ever lived on a ranch before, Libby?” Noah asked between bites.

  “No, but it’s always been a dream of mine. While I’m here, in my spare time, I would like to experience everything about ranch life. I want to learn to ride a horse, rope a calf, I would even like to help with the harder work like branding.” This confession made the boys all talk at once. All of them were volunteering to teach her their specialty.

  “Hey!” Aron quelled the racket. When all was quiet, he simply stated. “Whatever Libby wants to learn, I’ll be the one teaching her.” At Libby’s confused look, he tapped her on the end of the nose and smiled another one of those ten thousand watt scorchers.

  Effectively, he changed the subject. He didn’t know how he felt about the other boys spending time with Libby. She might not be Sabrina, but he didn’t want another woman coming in between him and his family. Besides, he wanted Libby all to himself. “How do you know Bess?” There, that seemed like a safe enough topic.

  “She and my Mom were friends for years. They went to school together. Mom’s gone now, my Dad, too.”

  “So, you’re all alone. Sorry, baby.” Aron looked serious for a moment, and then he continued eating.

  Libby went back to her food, then something wild started happening under the table. Several times, she felt his knee bump hers – linger – then rub gently. Once could have been an accident, but three times? It had to be intentional. The implications had Libby’s head spinning. This attention from Aron was more than she had ever dreamed possible.

  “I’m grateful to Bess for bringing you to me.” Aron’s softly whispered words flowed straight to her breasts. Instantly, her nipples swelled and hardened. Before she realized it, they were eagerly protruding, and the thin little T-shirt was an insufficient barrier from prying eyes. Seeing the effect his words had on her, Aron instantly excused himself and in a moment returned with one of his shirts from the laundry room. Draping it over her shoulders, he whispered. “Slip this on, sweetheart.” He winked at her as she flushed as much from arousal as embarrassment. “I’ll take care of you, baby.”

  It had gotten quiet at the table, “What?” Aron challenged. “Libby was cold.”

  At last, the meal was over. Everyone was very appreciative of the lasagna, the salad, the garlic bread and the blackberry cobbler that she had whipped up from the fresh berries in the crisper. Bess had plenty of food laid back for her to work with, she wouldn’t have to do much grocery shopping for a while. When Nathan was through, he stopped at her chair and kissed her cheek, “Thanks for everything, Libby. Especially the help with the homework. And the brownie,” he grinned.

  “Where are the brownies?” Isaac zeroed in on the mention of chocolate.

  “That huge cookie jar by the rotisserie is full. Help yourselves.”

  “Don’t eat them all,” Aron cautioned.

  Before she thought, Libby put her hand on his arm, and whispered, “Don’t worry, Aron. I saved half the batch back for you, they’re in your office in a plastic tub. Bess told me that chocolate was your weakness.”

ocolate wasn’t his only weakness, that was quickly becoming apparent. Aron was touched. He didn’t know what he enjoyed more, the news of the chocolate treats hidden back just for him or the light touch of her hand on his skin.” The touch. Definitely the touch, he decided.

  Jacob herded those out who wanted to linger around Libby. He wanted to give his brother room to work. Things were heating up much faster than he had ever hoped they might. Aron had been so hurt by his ex-wife. She had moved into Tebow and proceeded to make them all miserable, especially Aron. Sabrina had spent Aron’s money as if she was pouring water through a sieve. Then, there was the ‘incident’, when he had been a pawn in Sabrina’s plot to destroy Aron. And it had almost worked. But, Libby had the power to change everything. Libby could be an answer to his prayers.

  This was the first time he had seen Aron show any signs of life around a woman in years. Jacob was fascinated, because Aron’s desire for Libby had hit harder and faster than anyone would have ever believed. With a grin on his face, he left them to it.

  “You don’t have to help me, I’ll have this straightened up in a jiffy.” Libby worked automatically and quickly. God, Aron made her so nervous. It was wise to keep her hands occupied, she had never been so tempted to throw caution to the wind and aggressively touch a man in her life. This side of her was a surprise. Oh, she knew that she liked to read about sex, but she didn’t know her blood would run so hot. Only the fear of rejection made her keep her hands to herself.

  “The quicker we’re finished, the quicker I can take you in my arms.” Shocked, Libby stopped and simply looked at him. Could he read her mind? Was he serious? Dared she hope? This was exactly what she had yearned for. Doc Mulligan had said that this was her chance, the time to do whatever she longed to do, and experiencing love – or sex – was at the top of her list. To be able to love Aron would be the fulfillment of her dearest dream. “You can shut your mouth, baby. You’re gaping.” Laughing, he took the dishrag from her hand and proceeded to wipe down the table. Pulling herself together, she washed up the last of the pots and started the dishwasher to do the rest. Aron made her hyper-sensitive, primarily, because she was aware of every movement of his body, every accidental touch, every breath he expelled. Finally, they were through. Libby spread the washcloth over the central divider of the sink, and turned to see what Aron was doing.

  He was right there. Lord, in heaven. He was right in front of her. Brazenly, he took one half-step forward and they were suddenly touching all the way from breast to groin. A surprised gasp of delight escaped her lips.

  Before she knew what was happening, Aron had framed her face with his big, warm hands. She looked up at him, God, he was so tall and broad. The thought passed through Libby’s mind that she could settle herself against his chest, and with his arms wrapped around her, nothing could ever hurt her again. Aron could keep all her ghosts at bay, it seemed that he could even keep the specter of leukemia from ever touching her again.

  Aron was in lust-shock, pure lust-shock. His big hands cupped her soft, little face. Out of nowhere, she turned her head and kissed his hand – his stiff rod jumped in his drawers. While she had been working around the kitchen, he had been enjoying himself, studying every inch of her delectable body. Aron couldn’t believe it. Libby was absolutely perfect. Perfect breasts. Perfect hips. Perfect legs. Perfect for him. “Libby, may I kiss you, sweetheart?” He moved his thumbs over the pretty pink blush on her cheeks. “Don‘t say no. I think I’ll die if I don’t get a taste of you.”

  Goosebumps rose over every square section of her body. Aron wanted to kiss her! “Please,” was all she could manage. When he lowered his head to capture her lips, he blocked out all the light. She welcomed the darkness, it was momentous, like the total eclipse of the sun. God in heaven! Aron didn’t rush, he relished. Beginning with the softest kiss imaginable, he let their lips introduce themselves, one to the other. Light little caresses, delicate little forays with his tongue that made Libby want to reach out and grab it with her teeth. She made a tiny little grunt of frustration that made Aron laugh with delight. “You are too cute.”

  She couldn’t resist, her hands wouldn’t be still. She placed them on his biceps and explored the intriguing bulges. “Hmmm,” she groaned as she felt them tighten under her exploration. Aron still hadn’t kissed her fully, he nibbled on her top lip and licked at the corners of her mouth, all torture designed to heat her up into a tizzy. Standing on tiptoe, she tried to take over the kiss. Waiting a lifetime for something made one highly impatient.

  Before she knew what was happening, Aron had picked her up and sat her bottom down on the kitchen counter. This put their heads on the same level, and he didn’t have to bend over. With one hand, he swept her knees apart and stepped in-between them. Reaching behind her, he clasped her hips and pulled her forward. “Wrap your legs around my waist. I need to feel your heat.”

  Shaking with desire, she complied with his wishes, but she let hers be known also. “Kiss me right, Aron. Full on the lips. I’m so hungry for you.” At her frank request, he stepped back to take it all in. She was delightful!

  “You little minx,” he reached over and bit her where the soft skin of her neck met her collarbone. “I’m getting to it, don’t be so impatient. I’ve waited a lifetime for someone like you, so let me play.”

  Despite his instructions to be patient, she just couldn’t. Feeling brave, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him forward. He grunted with approval. “Hell, yeah.” Then, he gave her what she wanted. Finally. Fitting his mouth over hers, he sucked on her lips, taking in all of her sweetness. Her little tongue darted out and met his full on. They twirled and swirled, tasting and nipping, devouring one another. Thank God for her erotic romances, she knew exactly what to do. Hooking her feet behind his knees, she pressed herself to him. He pulled away from her, resting his head on her shoulder, breathing harshly. “My God, Libby. You’re like a little stick of dynamite.”

  Holding him tightly, she kissed his neck, taking little bites, then soothing them with her tongue. “Is that bad?” His heart was racing, but then so was hers. When he wasn’t able to answer, she finished her thought. “And to think, this is my very first kiss.”

  It took a moment, but her words finally sunk in to Aron’s thick skull. Fighting reality, denying what he had heard, Aron let his lips brush over her neck, up the smooth line of her jaw, and around to the tender place under her ear. “What did you say?” Surely, he had heard wrong.

  Libby hadn’t stopped her sensual onslaught. She was about to give her first hickey – ever. He tasted so good. She sucked on his neck like she was auditioning for Twilight. She wanted more. Reluctantly, she stopped long enough to answer him. “You’re my first kiss. My life so far hasn’t been exactly normal. I’ve been sort of isolated and out of circulation, family problems,” she offered against his skin.

  With one last sweet kiss, Aron pushed back from her until only their hands were touching. “Baby, are you telling me that you are a virgin?” He didn’t look happy. Well, hell.

  Libby could sense that everything had changed. She felt guilty. Why should she feel guilty? Somebody had to be her first. “Yes,” she slowly answered.

  “Damn.” Aron backed off, even more. She reached to pull him back, but he evaded her touch. Embarrassed, Libby let her hands drop. “I don’t do innocents, love. I refuse to be the one to besmirch your virtue.”

  Besmirch? Besmirch? “What if I want to be besmirched?” she questioned, more disappointed than she ever thought she could be about anything.

  “Oh, baby.” Aron put his hat back on and gently picked her up off the counter and sat her down. “You don’t know what you’re asking.” With those last sad words, he turned and walked away.

  Chapter Two

  What had happened? When she realized that Aron was really walking away from her, she immediately felt bereft and cold. He didn�
��t do innocents? Well, cheez–n- crackers. Tears welled up in her eyes. She hadn’t realized that inexperience could be such a turn-off to a man. It must be like getting a job. You had to have experience to get one, but nobody wanted to be the one to give you the chance at getting the experience. Maybe if she were prettier. Libby didn’t really have a handle on her own sex appeal. She didn’t have any idea if there was anything about her that would appeal to a man. At first, Aron seemed taken with her – but that might have been an act. Maybe, he was just the kind that liked to tease. Well, the joke was on her. She was left achy and empty, her breasts were swollen and sore and her feelings felt like someone had taken them out and stomped on them, but good.

  Mechanically, she went through the motions to ready everything for the next day’s meals. Bess had seen that the freezers and the pantry were fully stocked so Libby had plenty to work with. She had decided earlier that gumbo and grilladas would be just the thing. They were dishes that she could put on early in the day and the longer they cooked, the better they would be. With a heavy heart, she also carried out Bess’s directive concerning Aron. She mixed up a batch of sweet roll dough so he could have hot cinnamon rolls with his coffee. Checking everything one last time, she started for bed. She could hear the McCoy brothers, they were watching television and sounded like they were having the time of their life.