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Hell Yeah! Box Set With Bonus Cookbook Page 4

  Turning out the lights, she avoided the voices coming from the den and hastily made her way up the stairs to the haven of Bess’s room. Throwing herself on the bed, she let the tears flow. Rats! How was she supposed to face Aron now? He had awakened every cell in her body to untold delights, and then he had just walked away. Looking around, she felt as if the room was trying to close in on her. God, she had to get outside! She couldn’t stand to stay in the house one more minute. Where could she go? She needed to cool off and she could think of only one solution – the stock tank that she had spied earlier would be just the thing. If Aron didn’t want her, she would just wash his touch right off of her body. There wasn’t anything wrong with her. Was there? She didn’t have a swimsuit, but no one would follow her. Least of all Aron, he didn’t want to have anything to do with her.

  * * *

  Aron was miserable. Quaking with desire, he tried to walk off the hard-on that was still about to warp his zipper. He had done the right thing. It didn’t feel like it, but he had done the right thing. He wanted to feel Libby in his arms more than he wanted his next breath – but there was no way he was getting involved with someone who would expect something from him, something he wasn‘t prepared to give.

  He fled the house, trying to find someplace where he couldn’t see Libby’s face or feel her skin. He had hurt her. Needlessly. Hell, why had he come on so strong? He had acted like a randy fool. Who would have thought she would be an innocent? Hell, if he slept with Libby now, she would start picking out china patterns and wallpaper samples. No, it was better to cut it off, before their relationship got out of hand.

  Aron retreated to his studio. This was his sanctuary. After he had graduated college and retired from the rodeo circuit, he had been hungry for something to do, besides just running the ranch. Through a series of odd coincidences, the idea of sculpting had entered his mind. To his surprise, he found that he had a knack for it. Now, several galleries would buy every piece he could turn out. He could still remember the first piece he had ever made; it had been a horse standing on an outcropping of rock. The muscles of the animal were delineated and one could see every hair in its mane. He had called it, Freedom. What made it even more important was that he had made it for his mother. She had been over the moon about it. Then, he had lost her. The first showing he had participated in had been held in concert with the State Fair Rodeo in Dallas. It had been a simple accident, but someone had bought that piece right out from under his nose. The director of the exhibit had not distinguished Freedom as being a for-exhibit-only piece and the saleslady had sold it by mistake. The price had been right, but Aron would give his right arm to get it back. At first, he had been angry. But it was an honest mistake. Ever since then, he had been on the lookout for it. Rodeo people were a pretty close knit group, and one day he would cross paths with the person who had bought what he had not intended to sell. The person had paid cash however, so it was like looking for a needle in a hay stack.

  Now, he sat in the dark in his studio, and it was not a haven, it was damn lonely. The king-size bed over in the corner beckoned to him. How he would love to see Libby Fontaine draped across it, naked as the day she was born. Shit! All he wanted to do was march back over to the main house, find Libby, and hold her soft, little body tight in his embrace. He would kiss her over and over and then; he would allow his steel-hard cock to sink into the rich velvet of her womanhood. But that wasn’t meant to be. Libby was meant to have a husband who loved her and children who adored her. He could offer her neither of those things, so it was better that he offer her nothing at all.

  A splash outside the window of his second story studio alerted him that something was messing around the stock tank. Aron couldn’t imagine. What in the world?

  She walked up to the stock tank, trailing her hand in the cool, clear water. The glow was bright enough from the security light that he could see her quite clearly. The night was still enough that he could hear her sigh. She held the towel together over her breasts, her legs were long and shapely. Moonlight gave the pale skin of her arms and legs an iridescent quality. She could have been a wood nymph come out to play. Aron was totally enchanted. How he had walked away from this sweet thing was one of life’s great mysteries. Midnight black hair hung to her waist in thick, spiral curls. For a few tense minutes, Aron forgot to breathe.

  The towel dropped.

  Aron groaned.

  Underneath that towel was nothing but beautiful, smooth, creamy skin. God in heaven, she was nude! Gloriously, magnificently nude! How long had it been since he had seen a naked woman? Too long. Way, too long. And no woman he had ever been with had looked like this one. The clothes that she had encased herself in ought to be taken out back and burned. They were a sacrilege to nature. Nothing should ever hide those luscious hills and valleys from his hungry eyes.

  She still had her back to him. It appeared that she was trying to figure out how to climb into the tank. There was a ladder about twenty feet to the left of her, but if he called out that information he would give himself away and she would vanish from his sight like a frightened fairy. She placed her hands on the rim of the tank and tried to pull her little self up and over. Partially successful, she managed to get her incredible ass elevated so that he could see a sweet little crack and past that – paradise.

  He couldn’t help but smile as he listened to her little grunts as she exerted herself. She wasn’t very strong and soon she dropped back to the ground with a disappointed huff. Aron rubbed his palms on his denim-covered knees, aching to rub them over the tempting curve of her bottom.

  “Turn around, baby. Turn around.” At that moment, he would have gladly given his share of Tebow to see her breasts. “Turn around, sweetheart, lest I die,” he whispered.

  The Lord giveth . . . . She turned and bent to pick up the towel. Twin globes of perfection hung down like the most delicious melons. Sweet Jesus! Honey-dews! Aron licked his lips, imagining how it would feel to claim those beauties, massaging them until she arched her back in ecstasy. He opened his mouth, slightly, as if in anticipation of fitting his lips over those incredible nipples. He was in lust! Deep, intense, nerve shattering lust! Aron had never been privileged to suckle on nipples as large as hers. Sabrina’s nipples had been stingy, just like the rest of her. But Libby had nipples that were pink and puffy, just begging to be tongued and sucked.

  For a long, sorry moment, Aron thought she was about to give up and leave. Instead, she slung the towel over her shoulder and turned sideways, apparently ready to walk around the tank in search of a way to enter for a swim. From this angle, he could appreciate the shape and size of her breasts. His palms itched to cup them. They were full and round, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to make them disappear beneath his palms, but he longed to rub on them like Aladdin’s lamp to see if he could make his torturous erection disappear. Never before had he faced the possibility of erupting like a geyser without a single touch from his own hand or anyone else’s. Freeing his enormous cock from his jeans, he gave it room to stretch and bob like a hungry python seeking a meal.

  There was no way in hell that he was going to be able to stay away from her. She was the most tempting, succulent goddess he had ever been privileged to pay homage to. Walking around the tank, he heard her satisfied little exclamation when she finally found the ladder. In just seconds, she was up and over and the splash made him shiver. How he longed to cover her body like those warm, lucky waters.

  Smiling, he watched her frolic in the water. Right by herself, she laughed and played. Aron wondered if she was lonely. Surprisingly, he wanted to know. Seeing her enjoy these few, stolen moments after the difficult day she had endured, tugged at places in his heart that he had thought were out of commission. With one hand, he stroked his penis, the other laid on the windowsill. He rested his chin on his forearm, captivated by her beauty and charm.

  Then the game changed. Completely.
br />   Libby began to masturbate.

  Hypnotized, he watched her lean back on the rim and raise her body in a float. Aron had to bite his lip to keep from crying out when she cupped her own breasts and began to caress the tender mounds. Mesmerized, he watched her shape them and coax them into bountiful little mountains of gorgeous female flesh. When she began to pull on her nipples, stretching them out and milking them between her fingers, his hips bucked, begging to be allowed to join in the party. It wasn’t just a few half-hearted tugs, Libby relished the attention that she gave her tits. Apparently, she had spent a great deal of time practicing this particular skill, and God, if Aron had been called upon to judge her performance, he would have given her a 10.

  His grasp on his own penis had tightened, and the rate at which he pumped had gradually increased. Aron realized he was leaking pre-cum and a raging eruption wasn’t far off. He imagined joining her in the warm water, slipping up close and covering one of those luscious nipples with his eager lips. God, he would suck and slurp, devouring all of that precious womanly flesh like a starving man presented with a T-bone steak. Shit!

  Aron’s breath hung in his throat when he watched one hand slip down past her waist to the dark little patch of curls. Her fingers curled and dipped, rhythmically working on her sweet spot. She thrashed in the water, trying to stay afloat, even while her legs and hips pumped in absolute abandon. Aron’s hand kept up with her erotic dance, his own level of excitement reaching plateaus that he had rarely ever scaled.

  Then, the world stopped turning. Aron thought that if he died at that moment, he would have no regrets. Huge plumes of cum sprayed up and over the windowsill, raining down the side of the barn. Never had he climaxed with such a violent explosive force. His eyes never left her, his ears were attuned to every word that she screamed. And if he lived to be a hundred, he would never forget the sound of her husky little voice. For, as Libby Fontaine brought herself to a glorious completion, it was his name that she shouted. “Aron! Aron! Oh, God, Aron, I want you so much!”

  There was nothing in heaven or on earth that would have prevented him from going to her. All logical thought fled his mind, and his body was clamoring with a need that took him completely over. Even though he had just experienced an incredible climax, Aron was already harder than he had ever been in his life. He hastily put his still excited rod back in his shorts, fastened his jeans, left his belt hanging open, and went to join her. As he rounded the corner of the barn, he heard the splashing sound of her body emerging from the water.

  When Libby pulled herself up the ladder, she found herself face to face with Aron. A hastily indrawn breath was the only sound that she could make. Had he seen her? Had he heard her cry his name in ecstasy? Mortified, she turned to leap back into the darkness of the water. “No, no baby.” Aron reached out and grasped her wrist. “Don’t run away from me, Bathsheba. You tempt me beyond what a mortal man could ever hope to resist.” He pulled her forward and licked off the droplets of water that hung from the tips of her nipples.

  The touch of his lips on her breasts made her pleasure center go molten. This sudden turn of events had Libby’s head spinning. Aron was here! But, what did that mean? Leaning back away from his potent tongue, she crossed her hands over her breasts, and hung her head, not knowing what to think. Was this just another game? Would he tease her for a few more minutes, then walk away? Everything within screamed for her to open her arms and fit her wet body to his large, warm frame, but she didn’t want to be pushed away, again. “Don’t hide from me, Libby.” Aron pulled at her arms, revealing those luscious tits that he craved. “As much as I want to take you right here where we stand, we’ve got to talk. Will you come upstairs with me, to my studio?” He picked the towel up from where she had left it and gently wrapped it around her body, for the moment covering the precious treasure that he coveted with every fiber of his being.

  “Talk? You want to talk?” Libby’s mind wasn’t working very well. Still, there was no way that she would ever turn him away. She had wanted him way too long for that. Before he could answer her question, she made up her mind and held out her arms to him, and he gratefully picked her up. With one hand under her knees, he clasped her close, and quickly walked to the back stairs of the barn. Every step he took, he kissed the top of her head, and she gave into instinct and nestled her cheek into the strong muscles of his shoulder. “Have you changed your mind about wanting me?” Libby couldn’t help but ask.

  “Oh, babe.” He tenderly answered. “There was never any question about my wanting you.”

  Kicking open the door of his studio with one booted foot, Aron deposited her gently onto his bed. The fantasy from earlier had blessedly come to life.

  She ran her palm down his face, enjoying the coarseness of his whiskers. “Will you make love to me now?”

  Everything within him clamored to take her up on what she offered – right damn now. Hell, being chivalrous was torture. “Libby, I have to say something first.” Aron hesitated, not knowing how to proceed. Her next questions floored him.

  “Is being a woman’s first lover more trouble than it’s worth? Is it not pleasurable for a man?” Her innocence humbled him. Before he could reassure her, she continued. “Would it be better for you if I found someone in town to – deflower me?”

  With one forceful move, she was flat on her back and he was on top of her. “Hell, no. Your first time is a precious gift, and the man lucky enough to introduce you to the pleasures of love making will be one damn lucky son of a bitch. And, I can’t speak from experience, but I can imagine that, with the right woman – like you – a first experience could be heaven on earth. After all, I bet you’re going to be tight and soft and sweet.” Aron was kissing down her neck and all across the tops of her breasts. “And if there’s any damn deflowering to be done, I’ll be the one to take care of it.” His ferocious look sent the once serious Libby into a spate of giggles.

  Her spunky personality began to emerge. “Well, I hate to put you out. After all, I know how busy you are.” She pretended to try to roll away from him and he tightened his grip on her until she could barely breathe.

  “Hold on, pumpkin. Let me be serious for just a minute. Okay?” He rubbed his nose up and down her cheek, inhaling her clean, sweet smell.

  Surrendering to him completely, she lay back, allowing him to look deep into her eyes. There was only the light from the moon and from the security lamp flowing through the window, but they could see one another quite clearly. “If we’re going to do this, I need for you to understand something, baby.”

  “Okay.” Libby held her breath. What was he talking about?

  “I can’t offer you anything.” As he said the words, somehow they didn’t ring true in Aron’s mind.

  “What do you mean?” Was he talking money? Surely not. Or, maybe – white lace and wedding bells? She didn’t have any use for either.

  “I mean that I’m not making you any promises. I don’t want anything permanent. I don’t ever intend to marry again, so what we have will be just . . . .” He groped for the right word. He hated to sound crass, after all she was an innocent.

  “Sex.” She supplied the word for him.

  All right, she understood the score – but that didn’t tell the full story. Aron stilled himself, waiting to see what her reaction would be. Would she push him off of her and leave in a huff? Would she start to cry? God, don’t let her cry.

  For a moment, there was only silence.

  Then, she shocked him again – right down to the soles of his feet.

  “That sounds just about perfect to me. Just sex. Yes, I believe that will fit right into my plans.” Her expression was calm, as smooth and serene as the surface of a Hill Country lake.

  Aron narrowed his eyes and tried to decide what species of femininity he was holding. “What did you say?” he growled.

  Libby giggled a
gain. Give a man what he asked for and he still wasn’t happy. “I said that – just sex – would work for me. I don’t – I can’t make any promises, either. My future is uncertain at this point and anything of a permanent nature is out of the question.” She spoke slowly, carefully weighing each word. She didn’t want to ever lie to Aron, but she intended to walk away without him ever knowing about the cancer.

  “So, let me get this straight . . . .” He had to make sure.

  “Good, Lord.” Libby laughed. “I want you, Aron. Will you make love to me, already?”

  “Hell, yeah!” Who was he to question the beneficent goodness of the Almighty? What a gift this woman was! He moved to her side and turned her to face him. “Let’s kiss some more.”

  Immediately, she draped one leg over his hips and scooted impossibly close. “That sounds wonderful. Your kisses are sweeter than Mounds candy.”

  “Hey, if we’re talking candy bars – I’d rather be an Almond Joy instead of Mounds.” Shit! He enjoyed picking at her, she was more fun than a barrel of monkeys.

  “What’s the deal?” she played back. “They’re both coconut?”

  “Yeah,” he said as he nipped at her chin. “But, Almond Joys got nuts, Mounds don’t.” She squealed as he pinched her on the butt cheek. “And if you’ll slip your little hand between my legs, I’ll prove to you which category I fall into.”

  “Oh, you are too much.” Excitement flashed through Libby’s body. This time she didn’t wait for Aron, she fisted her hand in his hair and pulled his head to hers. He was hypnotized. Closing his eyes, he welcomed the magic. Libby took the tip of her tongue and teased him. Sweeping from one side of his mouth to the other, she coaxed him into giving her entrance. Aron played hard to get. This didn’t put Libby off a bit; she just tried harder. Opening her mouth, she used her teeth to gently scrape and nibble all around his mouth. The feel of his beard stubble was driving her insane. Dipping her hips toward him, she playfully pressed her aching center up against his granite hard ridge. When she did that, Aron’s passion exploded. He thrust his tongue into her honeyed warmth and kissed her voraciously. Pushing her onto her back once again, he held her hands up over her head, “There is no way in hell that you are unschooled!” he challenged. “You are blowing my mind, baby!”