Hell Yeah! Box Set With Bonus Cookbook Page 5
“I’ve read hundreds of erotic romances when I couldn’t do anything else,” she softly confessed, conspiratorially. “And I practiced. With a cucumber.”
“You stuck a cucumber up your . . . . . .” he feigned horror.
“No,” Libby was giggling so hard, she could barely catch her breath. “I sucked on it, so I would know how to…”
And that was as far in that explanation as she got. Aron reached between them and pulled her body free of the towel, then he kissed his way from her lips, past her chin and then to the valley between her breasts. “I’ll let you show me what you’ve learned with the cucumber a little later, but right now I’ve got to latch my lips onto these beautiful tits. When I saw you harden in front of my eyes at the dining room table, I almost came in my shorts.” He plumped both breasts together, pushing the nipples close so he could trail his tongue from one to the other. “You have got the prettiest nipples,” he crooned. “Watch.” Fascinated, she watched him take a whole nipple and areola in his mouth and suck on it like a child would the top of an ice cream cone. She couldn’t keep her eyes open however, for the pleasure was so intense she thought she might pass out.
“Oh, Aron,” she gasped. “That feels so good,” Libby couldn’t contain herself; she undulated in his grasp, but he just latched on harder. Greedily, he sucked at first one nipple and then the next. He made pleasurable noises in his throat while he ringed the hard nubbins with his tongue and them slurped at them like there was no tomorrow. “I fantasized how your beard would feel rubbing across my nipples. “ At her erotic description, Aron demonstrated to her that while the fantasy was good, reality topped it by about a thousand percent. Soon, her hips were bucking upward, seeking any kind of release. Realizing that she was in need, Aron slid one hand down to cup her mons.
“I could suck on your breasts for hours, but it seems to me that there are other parts of your body that are demanding attention.” Aron was in heaven. He had never had so much fun making love. Sabrina had been a stingy lover, and he had been forced to make do with stingy bouts of sex – few and far between. Never had she lifted her hips, begging him wordlessly for his touch. When he slipped his fingers past the apex of Libby’s thighs, he was met with a welcoming wetness. “Oh, baby. You do want me, don’t you?”
“Yes, please, Aron.” she opened her legs wider. He didn’t even have to ask. Before she knew what to expect, he had slid down her body, kissing his way to her navel. There he stopped to minister to the tiny well, afraid it would feel left out on his epic journey. With stingless bites, he nibbled his way down her tummy, stopping to buss her once – just to hear the sweetness of her laugh. Then she stopped laughing.
“Oh, my Lord,” she prayed. He was kissing her there! Never had she felt anything like it; never had she even imagined anything like it. With his wide hands, he held her open, then he made himself at home. He lapped at her cream like a happy tomcat, smiling to himself as he heard her groan with pleasure.
“Do you like that, doll?” he asked as he settled down to the task in earnest. Lifting her hips with his hands, he drove his tongue as deep into her channel as he could, then he preceded to tongue-fuck her, giving her a teaser of the delights to come. “You taste so good, baby,” he praised her as he licked his way to the pearl that peeked out from its little hood, like a shy child waiting to see if it would be invited to play. “Hold on, baby. I’m going to suck your clit. You’re going to like this.” He proceeded to do as he promised and he had to forcibly hold her down.
Hot waves of joy rained down upon her, searing her with bolts of white-hot electricity. Oh, she had come before – but always by her own hand, never by the talented tongue of the man she . . . . even in the mindless frenzy of orgasm, she wouldn’t let her mind say the words. A scream of rapture burst from her lips. “Aron!”
He licked his way up her body, rejoicing in the tremors of her climax. “Are you protected, baby?” God, please say yes. Aron couldn’t stand the thought of sheathing himself with a synthetic barrier. He wanted to feel every iota of her being.
“I’m on the pill,” she panted. “Boy scout.”
Again, she made him laugh. “Don’t you mean, girl scout?”
“No, I took the pill because I was scouting for boys.”
“You had better not be scouting anymore, sweetheart,” he tickled her up and down her ribs, while she wiggled and squiggled with joy.
Finally, face to face, they quieted. “I’ve found what I was looking for.” She brushed a soft strand of hair from his forehead. “At least, until it’s time for me to go,” she reassured him with a reverent kiss over each eyelid.
Aron hugged her close, then once more parted her thighs and caressed her silky folds. “I’m going to stretch you just a little bit, baby. I don’t want this to hurt you; I want it to feel good.” Trusting him, she laid back, allowing him to do as he wished. But, then, she eyed that white shirt with the snaps and grinned. No better time than the present to make that daydream come true. She placed her hands on the lapels of his shirt and pulled hard and it parted as easily as if she had said, “Open Sesame.” To give him credit, he didn’t look very surprised. Maybe he was used to being ravished.
“My Word“, she marveled. “Look at this chest!” He was utterly magnificent. Crisp dark hair that just begged to be petted, little round brown nipples that begged to be sucked and miles of muscles that screamed for her to map them with eager fingers. At the determined look in her eye, he paused in what he was doing – just to wonder at her fascination with his beat-up old body.
“Make yourself at home, baby. What is mine – is yours.” He thought about just laying back and letting her enjoy herself. But, finally, the call of his cock won out and he started back to working at her pussy in earnest. All the while, she entertained herself by stroking his chest and tonguing his nipples, nipping and kissing every inch of him that she could reach. Had he ever experienced anything like her before? He didn’t think so. Libby was a wonder. She seemed to crave him. Him. Aron wasn’t used to reciprocal attention. The sex that he had participated in had mostly been one-sided – vaguely satisfying, but nothing to write home about. This. This was a whole different ball game. Libby wasn’t just participating, she was recruiting, coaching and leading the cheers.
What Aron was doing south of her equator finally captured her attention, causing her worship of his chest to slow down a bit. As his fingers pushed up inside of her, she drew in a breath and held it. Oh, his fingers felt so much better than her own did. For one thing, they were longer and fatter – and then they were his – that made all the difference. He began a rhythmic invasion of her pussy with one finger, until she was squirming with pleasure. Two fingers and she sought his lips, needing to connect with the one who was bringing her such joy. His question came out of the blue. “Have you ever put a toy of any kind inside you, love?”
“No,” she answered between kisses. “I’ve worn tampons, though.’
“I’m slightly bigger than a tampon, babe.” He added a third finger to the mix. The temperature of her vagina was as hot as her incredible body and if the amount of cream that she was producing was any indication of her excitement, she was ready for his cock. Still, he pushed her toward another climax. It was best to be sure.
Virginal, she might be – but she still caught on to what he was doing. “Aron, no. I don’t want to come, yet. I want to wait until you’re inside me. I want to wait for you.” She tried, in vain, to hold off the impending climax. “I’m going to use up all of my orgasms.” She truly seemed dismayed.
Chuckling he kissed her, even as he deepened the sensual assault. “God loves girls more than he does boys, baby. He made you so that you could come over and over again. Now, come for me, love – don’t hold back. Come for me. It’s just us poor unfortunate males who have to wait and recuperate.” Latching on to one nipple, he gloried in her response as she rode his hand t
o nirvana.
Libby was literally gulping for air. Never had she envisioned pleasure like she was receiving from Aron’s hand. Then a thought occurred, “Roll over,” she demanded. How could she have forgotten this? It would be like going to Florida and missing Disneyworld.
“What?” he asked in a daze. He was past ready to claim her. His penis was engorged with passion and anxious to enter the Promised Land.
“I’ve got to get a look at you,” she pushed at his shoulder, trying to get him to lie flat.
“What?” he asked again. There wasn’t enough blood in his brain to allow him to comprehend her request.
“I want to see your joystick.” Libby was serious. She maneuvered herself from underneath Aron and moaned with frustration. “You’ve still got most of your clothes on. How did that happen?” In the blink of an eye, she set to work undressing him. His shirt was hanging open, his belt was unbuckled, but other than that, he was fully dressed. “We’ve got to get your boots off, first.” Helpless, he lay back and watched her work. Here he was, as hard as a rock, and she was gallivanting around like a butterfly. She did have a point about the clothes, though. Finding a reserve of strength, he began to help her undress him. Aron was easily distracted, however, by the sway of her breasts and the cute little dimples on her bottom. When she had him down to his shorts, she sat up beside him like it was Christmas morning and she was waiting to open a gift under the tree.
With wide eyes, she gently traced the outline of his turgid cock. Aron swore he had never swelled to such proportion before. A lot of things were different with Libby – the laughter, the passion, the sheer joy one could find in another’s body. Glancing at him, as if in permission, she began the unveiling.
Getting up on her knees, she straddled his legs, so that she was sitting over his calves. Grasping the waistband of his boxer briefs, she tugged down – and out he sprang – in all of his glory. “Look at him!” she exclaimed with joy. “Aron, he’s so beautiful!”
He didn’t know whether to laugh or moan when she leaned over and grabbed him with both hands. She began kissing him from tip to root, all up one side and down the other. Any other time he would have been gung-ho for her enthusiasm, but right now he was about to go all Mount St. Helens on her. He put a hand down to pull her up, when she placed one more soft, sweet kiss right on the weeping tip end. “You are remarkably, wonderfully made.” She kissed him again.
That was it. He couldn’t take anymore. Grasping her by the waist, he flipped her up and over. She squealed in surprise, as he got her into position. “No more teasing, love – or the game is going to be over before the quarterback even gets on the field.” Spreading her thighs, he maneuvered himself over her.
“Are you heading into the end zone?” she asked with a straight face as he pressed the blunt end of his dick right at her tender opening. He was so thick that she didn’t know how in the world her body would ever accommodate him.
“Going for a touchdown,” he grinned as he pressed forward a half-inch. Suddenly, the sensation overwhelmed him. He hadn‘t ridden bareback since way before Sabrina. She hadn‘t wanted to feel his naked cock inside of her, she said she couldn‘t stand the feel of his slimy sperm as it gushed inside of her body. He couldn’t imagine Libby ever saying anything like that. His eyes rolled to the back of his head. Sweet Jesus! Ecstasy! She was warm, wet, silky, tight, and as soft as the inside of a cream puff. “I’ll never last,” he moaned.
“Aron, Honey, give me your hands.” He looked down and she was holding her hands up, wanting to weave their fingers together. He sat up and pulled her hips up and over his thighs. Pressing forward he managed to push another inch inside of her. Giving her what she wanted, he held her hands, and then he began to pump. Her channel was incredibly snug, and squeezed his organ like a tight little vice. Watching her face, he looked for any sign of discomfort, but all he could see was happiness, pleasure and a hunger he had never seen on a woman’s face before. “More, Aron. Give me more,” she urged him on.
He didn’t have to be asked twice; he pushed steadily into her until he was buried to the hilt. Then, he had to stop for a second. The pleasure was just too intense. Miraculously, she was making these tiny little movements deep down inside, massaging and clasping and milking him with her sheathe. “Are you ready, baby?” he asked hoping to high heaven she would say yes.
“Please, please,” better than yes. Way better. Still holding her hands, he pushed them over her head and began driving into her with an unrelenting linear motion. Soon, they were both grunting and moaning with delight. “Oh, that’s good, Aron, so good, baby.” She pushed her breasts into the air, begging him to suck her nipples.
He was a talented guy, he could do two things at once, so he granted her mute request. Teasing, he nipped her and she bucked upward with delight. “Oh, I like that!” she moaned.
“Oh, you doll.” he praised her as he prepared to suckle at her other breast. “You like everything.”
“I like you, Aron McCoy,” she exhaled in a rush, another orgasm barreling down on her like a freight train.
“I like you, too, baby doll.” Too much, maybe. As she reached her peak, the tiny flutters of her pussy around his cock almost sent him into orbit. The sexy little sounds she made as she came nearly did him in. He had to hold on, just a little more, it was just too good to stop. “Come on baby, that’s the touchdown – let’s go for the extra point.” He urged her on, gyrating his hips, nudging her cervix with the sensitive end of his dick. The sound of his balls slapping her rear end in a jungle beat only spurred him to increase his driving speed. Never in his life had he experienced sex like this. Where had she been all of his life?
Libby was incoherent with pleasure, he kept pushing her to accept more and she was only too glad to take what he dished out. “Sweet Lord, baby,” she whispered as she arched her back, pushing as much of her breast as she could into his mouth. The harder he sucked, the more she wanted. She knew she liked to read about sex, but she had no idea that she would be such a glutton when it came to the real thing. It was Aron. He was the reason. No other man could possibly affect her this way.
His body stiffened as he neared his climax, the pleasure so intense that he thought the top of his head might blow off. He mindlessly thrust into her creamy depths, her little body a welcome port to his marauding demands. Flashing, crashing bombardments of ecstasy pummeled into him with a fiery culmination. He abandoned himself to pleasure, letting all of the tension of four years of discontent and celibacy flow out of him. He cried out his deliverance as great jets of cum shot deep within her and she kept milking him, her body begging for more. At last, in absolute contentment, he stretched out over her, covering her, claiming her. She might not realize it, but Libby Fontaine had come to his rescue.
Libby held him close, stroking his back, just listening to him breathe. “Thank you Aron, that was unbelievable.” She planted a small kiss on his shoulder. He was heavy as he lay on her, pressing her down, but she welcomed his weight. It made her feel precious and wanted – for a little while, at least.
Her words of appreciation roused him from his lethargy. “Thank you, baby. You don’t know it, but you broke a drought for me. It’s been four years since I’ve had sex.”
Four years? Libby didn’t know what to think. Sheesh! Any port in a storm – all horses are grey in the dark – anybody would appeal after four years. “Four years? I can’t believe that an exciting man like you would ever do without sex for that long.” she spoke carefully.
What the hell? Aron decided to get in touch with his feelings and open up. “My ex-wife – she did a real number on me; she burned me, spurned me and hung me up to dry. It’s taken me this long to trust a woman enough to get this close.” He realized what he had said. “I guess that means that I trust you, Libby.”
“I’m glad, Aron. I won’t abuse your trust. We‘ll keep what happened within t
hese walls our secret. The other boys will never know that it even occurred.” She brushed her lips once more over his shoulder and pushed lightly so he would let her up. “I guess I need to go to my room, the alarm clock will go off pretty early. I’m going to try and beat all of you up by at least an hour.”
“Hold on,” Aron stopped her from moving. “I don’t intend to flaunt our relationship in front of Nathan, he’s too young – but I don’t care if he knows there’s something going on between us – that we’re seeing one another, sort of. As far as the rest of those yahoos go, I want them to know that I’ve roped you, hog-tied you, branded you and fenced you in my spring-fed pasture. From now on, as far as they’re concerned – you belong to me.”
“Tag?” she asked with a smile.
“Exactly, I don’t want them getting any ideas. They know I don’t ever intend to remarry, but they can’t expect me to be a monk for the rest of my life, either. They’ll understand. And, what we did tonight – baby, I intend to do it twice a day and four times on Sunday.” As he said those words, he punctuated them with kisses until she was writhing beneath him in a fit of giggles. “Sweetheart, you just gave me the best ride I could ever imagine, and I have no intention of it being a once-in-a-lifetime event.” He finished off by blowing on her stomach like he would a toddler. She flung her arms around his neck and hung on.
“Thank you. That’s what I wanted, too. I wasn’t going to ask for it, though. I didn’t want you to think that I was making any demands.”