Hell Yeah! Box Set With Bonus Cookbook Read online

Page 7

  “Tell them that it is real.” He grew very still. She continued to speak. “For whatever time it lasts, it is real. That’s no lie, not on my part anyway. I’m not pretending. I think you’re the most wonderful man in the world, and I’m the luckiest woman to get to spend even one hour in your arms.” He tightened his grip. “So tell them not to worry, while I’m here, I’ll treasure you. And after I’m gone, you’ll be so used to being loved, that you’ll turn every cactus and rock upside down looking for someone to replace me.”

  Her words made his heart ache. He didn’t really understand it, but the feeling was sharp enough to make him close his eyes in pain.

  Replace her? Not a chance.

  * * *

  Everywhere he looked, Libby was there. He watched her running in the pasture with the horses and the dogs. She held her hands over her head, as if she was trying to catch the wind. That afternoon at supper, there was a jar of wildflowers sitting in the middle of the table. Libby had reheated the gumbo and at three o’clock she had carried each brother a steaming bowl. It had been her fault that their lunch was disrupted and she didn’t want them going hungry on her account.

  Nathan had come bounding off the school bus at four o’clock and Libby met him at the bus stop. She helped him carry his books, as he munched on some warm chocolate chip cookies. Aron watched from a distance. Libby was great with Nathan. She had gotten the name of a spell check program that would make Nathan’s school work much easier for him. Noah had immediately ordered one and installed it on Nathan’s laptop. The only problem that Aron could see was that Nathan was getting too attached to Libby too fast. He knew he could control his emotions – after all, he was a grown man, but Nathan was going to get hurt. He hated to do it, but he was going to have to speak to Libby about it.

  * * *

  “What are grilladas, Libby?” Nathan asked, even as he shoveled them in.

  “What do they taste like?” she challenged him to analyze the flavors.

  “Beef and tomatoes,” she nodded that he was right. “Onions and peppers and rice.”

  “That’s most of it, but there’s also broth, raisins, spices and Worcestershire sauce.”

  “Wortawhat?” Nathan laughed.

  “It’s a sauce made from lots of spices and also anchovies.”

  Six sets of cutlery clattered on the plates. “Anchovies?” Joseph looked dismayed. “I don’t like anchovies.”

  “You can’t taste them, can you?”


  “Eat.” Aron ordered. If they ate every time Aron ordered them to do so, they would be as big as horses.

  Jacob wondered if he was the only one noticing that Libby was fast becoming an essential part of the family.

  * * *

  “Where are you going?” Aron watched Libby head toward the back door. He was about ready to go to bed. First, he wanted to warn her about Nathan, then he wanted to drill, baby drill.

  “I’m going to go milk the cow.” Hell, she was serious.

  “At ten o’clock? She’ll be asleep.” Aron almost whined. He was horny.

  “I promised Jacob that I would do it at three, but I took everybody a bowl of gumbo, instead.” Aron walked behind her as she purposefully strode to the barn. Libby acted like she lived here. Funny, Aron didn’t mind at all.

  Harrumph! He thought he had been the only recipient of the afternoon gumbo treat. He wanted to be special in Libby’s eyes.

  “Jacob said that the cow’s tits hurt if she isn’t milked regularly.” Libby’s words hit him right between the legs. Aron knew he was probably crazy, but Libby was turning him on with her udder talk.

  “It’s teats on a cow, baby – not tits.”

  “Same thing,”

  Aron groaned.

  “Why are you making funny rackets?”

  “Because all this talk about teats and tits has got my dick all awake and excited, that’s why.”

  “Oh,” Libby’s voice went soft with excitement. “I’ll milk fast, okay?” She got her stool and her bucket and she settled down to do as Jacob had instructed. Grasping the teats, she began to pull, rhythmically. Bossy swished her tail and Libby ducked. But, she kept pulling on those cow teats and the milk was filling the bottom of the bucket. The more she pulled, the more Aron remembered the night that he watched her milk and knead her own puffy little nipples. He watched for a few seconds more, then he growled. “Get up, Libby. My hands are stronger, I can do it faster.”

  She complied, but she fussed. “It was a learning experience, Aron. I wanted to do it.”

  “You’re killing me, sugar. I’ll teach you everything you need to know – upstairs, in my bed. All I can think about is you pulling on your own nipples in that stock tank, and how I’m going to do the same thing to you in just a minute.” His words effectively cooled her anger and heated her everything else. Soon, she found that her hips were moving in tandem with the sound of the streams of milk hitting the side of the bucket. As Aron finished up, Libby walked over and locked every barn door. She pulled every shutter tight and secured every entrance. Then, she walked back to where Aron was rising and behind his back, she stripped down to her altogether.

  Little hands crept around his waist and began to unfasten his buckle. “What are you doing?” Aron asked hoarsely.

  “Giving us both what we want.” She whispered in his ear and she nipped his lobe. Soon, he was as naked as she was, and God Almighty, he was fine. Perspiration glittered on every surface, delineating every bulge and ripple. Stepping up to him, she ran her fingers up his chest, through the crisp hair and around his nipples. Then, boldly, she bent down and cupped his sack. “Is tonight cucumber night?” she asked hopefully.

  “No, too excited.” Aron was honest. “I have something else in mind.” Showing her what he meant, he put both hands at her waist and lifted. “Wrap your legs around me, Libby-sweet.” The endearment warmed her heart.

  All thoughts of Nathan and his request slipped Aron’s mind for the moment. Cupping her hips in his hand, he lifted her until her breasts were mouth level. “I wish you had milk, I would suck you dry.”

  His words rushed right to her womb. To have milk, she would have to be pregnant. With his child. Glory be! What she wouldn’t give for that to be true! He swirled his tongue around each nipple. Next, he scraped his teeth over them, nipping ever so slightly. It might be wrong, but Libby liked a bit of pain with her pleasure. It made her feel so alive. Traveling outward, he gave her little love bites all around each breast, stopping to mark her in a place that no eye but his would ever see. The deep suction made her hips move against him. “Suck my nipples. Please Aron, suck them hard.’ She almost smiled when she said that. How many times had she read that phrase in one of her erotic novels? And to think – now it was her turn to say it. Glory be! And when he did as she asked . . . the earth moved, she could swear it did. Nothing could beat the incredible sensation of a man’s mouth at your breast. Womb-clenchers. That’s what Aron’s breast kisses were – womb-clenchers. She could feel every sharp pull all the way to her always-meant-to-be-empty womb. Despite the bite of sadness, she fell apart in his arms, quaking from one of the hardest orgasms she had ever experienced.

  “Did you like that, baby? You must have, you came so good. No woman has ever exploded for me like that, not just from my kisses on her breasts.” Aron awarded her with a few more. “You are so sweet. Now, let’s get down to the business at hand.”

  He held her with one strong arm and guided his cock into her with the other. She was more than ready to receive him and gasped with awe as he impaled her on his thick rod. “Oh, yeah.” she sighed in relief. “There is nothing in the world that feels better than you inside me.” She kissed him on the neck. He was so strong. He didn’t bother to back her up to the wall or anything, he just manually moved her up and down on his dick, huffing his s
atisfaction with each pump. With admiration, Libby smoothed her hands over his shoulders, down his back and then watched in rapture as his beautiful butt clenched and unclenched with each thrust. He had magnificent legs and thighs. They were perfectly muscled and as thick and strong as tree trunks. There was no way she was going to be able to last very long at this rate. Why should she try? After all, God loves girls best, that’s what Aron told her. As she swan-dived off the cliff of rapture, Libby wondered how in God’s name would she ever live a day without him.

  In. Out. In. Out. God, she tightened on the down stroke, causing the sides of her channel to provide enough friction to drive him bonkers. “Libby, I could make love to you forever. Sweetheart, you are so good.” Her full faith and trust was in him, she didn’t resist, or fear a fall. Never had a woman been as free with herself as Libby. She was a wonderful gift, an undeserved wonderful gift. Out of the blue, she had walked into his life and proved to him that not all women were selfish bitches; some were sweet angels with broken wings. As he pumped into her relentlessly, letting his climax overtake him – Aron decided that he wanted to know just why Libby thought that a future between them was not possible. Not that he wanted a future with her, mind you. But, he wanted to know.

  “You are an incredible lover, Aron.” Libby lay on his shoulder, back in their bed.

  “You speak from such vast experience,” he teased.

  “I speak from the standpoint of four orgasms a day, minimum.” She playfully bit him on the shoulder.

  “Only four?” he eyed her pointedly. “You have had at least five or six a day. I’ve been counting.”

  “I said at the minimum.”

  “Libby, don’t let Nathan fall in love with you,” he breathed, knowing his words were going to cause her pain.

  He felt her little body draw up into a knot.

  “What do you mean?” she asked so carefully.

  “I can see that he’s getting real attached to you. It’s going to hurt him when you leave.” Aron didn’t analyze his own feelings on the topic, he couldn’t stand to.

  “What do you want me to do? Be unfriendly?” Emotion was choking her words as they tried to come out of her mouth.

  “Well, no.” That wasn’t what he meant.

  “Not cook his favorite foods? I cook all of your favorite foods.” Libby was trying desperately to understand. How could she please Aron, if she didn’t understand?

  “No, that’s not what I mean, either.” This wasn’t easy.

  “Do you not want me to help him with his homework?”

  “I need you to help him, the rest of us don’t always have time to.” This wasn’t going very well.

  “What do you want me to do then, Aron?” Libby was at a loss. Did he want her to leave?

  “I don’t know, baby. I just don’t want him to get hurt. You’re just so easy to love.”

  She heard his words; she wondered if he realized what he had just said. He was easy to love, also. Libby could have left him in the bed, and returned to Bess’s room. His words had hurt her. Badly. She already loved Nathan, and if the truth be known, she was already deeply in love with Aron. Still, lying stiffly, she weighed her options. Leave or stay? Time was so precious and fleeing fast – she decided to stay. Brushing off the hurt from her shoulders like water off a duck’s back, she let her muscles relax and fitted her body into his. “I‘ll remind him often that I’m only temporary. I’ll mention my leaving every day. And I’ll talk about Bess, and how much he misses her. Does that sound good?”

  There was no resentfulness in her voice. He let out a sigh of relief, Libby was so reasonable. “Yeah, baby. That‘ll work just fine.”

  Snuggling down into his body, Libby decided that there would be plenty of time to hurt later. For right now, she just wanted to love.

  The next day brought trouble. Jacob had promised Libby that he would teach her how to ride a horse. Aron had wanted to do it, but he got called away to a meeting with the family lawyers about the management of their parent’s trust fund. The economy was hitting everything hard, so it became more of a challenge each year to invest in ventures that provided a decent return. It was also his responsibility to review all the allocations that were meted out to worthy teenagers and sick children. They also had a program to loan out money to cancer patients who wanted to further their education. Necessary business, but Jacob knew Aron hated to be away from Libby and that he would get through the day as quickly as humanly possible.

  After listening to Libby plead, Jacob had relented and chosen Molly. She was the most gentle of their horses and he knew that Aron would kill him if he let anything happen to Libby. Oh, Aron talked big and pretended that his time with Libby didn’t matter to him, but Jacob knew they were falling in love with each other. He also knew that Libby felt like her time was limited, but Jacob was a big believer in positive thinking, faith and miracles.

  From his work with the various fund raisers for cancer victims, he knew Doc Mulligan personally and when the Doc had learned that Libby was coming to work on Tebow, he had given Jacob a call himself. The Doc had cautioned Jacob about Libby taking any unnecessary risks. Doctors and science didn’t really understand what threw someone who had cancer into remission, or out of it, but there was some studies that suggested that trauma to the body could shorten a remission period. Anyway, there was no use taking chances – that’s why he had chosen Molly.

  Jacob also knew about the test that she had to return for in less than a month. Hopefully, by that time there would be good news and Aron would start coming to his senses. Libby belonged on Tebow. Libby belonged to Aron. Jacob had never been surer about anything.

  “Hold the reins like this, sweetie. Not too tight.” He led the old horse around, adjusting Libby’s feet in the stirrups. “That’s right. You don’t have to be afraid. Molly is as gentle as a lamb.

  Libby wasn’t afraid; it was just a long way to the ground. Her balance wasn’t the best in the world, but this was one thing she had promised herself that she would do while she still felt good. “You’re doing great, Libby. I’m going to walk you over to the corral and you can just go round and round in a circle until you feel secure enough to take a real little jaunt.” Jacob’s words were reassuring. She knew that he wouldn’t let anything happen to her, not if he could help it. Smiling, she knew Jacob was fond of her, but he was also scared of Aron.

  Aron cared about her. Libby knew that he did. But, even if Aron changed his mind about the nature of their relationship, it still wouldn’t change the reality of her disease. No, she was in remission, she reminded herself. Remission. She knew the statistics, there was no use playing like she didn’t.

  “Okay, take off.” He set Molly and Libby into a safe little circular path. Or it would have been safe if a big old chicken snake hadn’t decided to crawl across the enclosure. Those old chicken snakes knew no fear. Aron wouldn’t let any of them be killed because a) they didn’t have any chickens or eggs and b) chicken snakes ate their weight in rats, regularly. Molly didn’t know they were harmless, however, and Libby was deathly afraid of even a rubber snake. So when Molly shied from the snake, Jacob hollered, causing Libby to jerk. Molly bucked and Libby trying to hold on - saw the snake, and all hell broke loose. Libby came crashing down. Jacob thought that everything was all right. It was just a little fall. The snake hadn’t looked back and Molly didn’t step on Libby. But, Libby didn’t move. He ran to her and found blood all over the back of her head. She had hit the top railing of the fence on her way down to the ground.

  Chapter Four

  Aron was homesick. He hadn’t even been gone a whole day, but he was nearly aching with longing. And it wasn’t Tebow he was homesick for, or his brothers. Aron was homesick for Libby. She had slept in his arms all night, but right now he felt as if a piece of him had been cut off. Never would he have believed that a little slip of a girl could g
et under his skin the way she had. He thought about her all the time.

  Libby had surprised him. She fit into their life like she belonged. Nothing was too much trouble; she pitched in and helped in every project they took on. That is – she tried – Aron had a hard time trying to keep her safe. Other than her overblown fear of snakes – she was absolutely fearless. Just the other day, he had caught her trying to coax one of their biggest Beefmaster bulls into a stall so she could give him a bath. The dignified, registered, blue-blood Warpaint was not amused. Neither was Aron.

  Again and again it hit him how different from Sabrina that Libby was. He had received a call from their neighbor, Clyde Cummings, an elderly widower. He had requested one of the boys to come over and help him pull a tractor loose that had got stuck in the mud. In the process of trying to free it himself, he had hurt his back. Libby had taken Clyde casseroles and soups for a week, until he was feeling up to par. Nothing like that would have ever even occurred to Sabrina. The nice things that Libby wanted to do for others reminded Aron of his mother.

  The day before yesterday, one of Aron’s prize heifers had begun to calve. It was her first, and Aron was worried about her. The bull that he had bred her to was big and he didn’t want to risk any birth complications. Nothing would do Libby but she attend the blessed event. When Aron had been forced to put his arm up the cow’s birth canal and turn the calf, Libby had been right there with hot water and towels. (Not that he needed hot water and towels, but he humored her.) When they finally pulled the little bull free of his mother, Libby had thrown her arms around Aron and almost knocked him down. She had named the little bull Muffin, now how was that going to look on the official Beefmaster Association Breeder’s forms? Actually, Aron didn’t care. He was so enamored of Libby that he was almost giddy.

  And the sex. Lord have mercy, as he always said. The sex was utterly incredible. She was so sweetly responsive, eager and uninhibited – yet, at the same time, enchantingly innocent. It was a heady combination and one that kept him in a state of constant arousal.