Hell Yeah! Box Set With Bonus Cookbook Read online

Page 8

  Libby had made herself at home - at Tebow - and, most especially, in his heart.

  Although the trip had been a necessary one, Aron was glad it was almost over. Never had the road seemed so long from Austin to Kerrville. Never had he been so tempted to floor it. When he got to the last leg of the journey, the dirt road that led from the blacktop to the Tebow ranch gate had never looked so welcoming. He noticed the wildflowers that grew along the way. Had they always been so bright and colorful? Everything seemed better somehow – the air was sweeter, the food tasted better, hell, he even liked his worthless brothers more.

  Mostly, he couldn’t wait to hold her in his arms again. Last night’s loving had only left him hungry for more. That was the way it always was – he just couldn’t get enough of Libby Fontaine. Lately, he had been rethinking his future. He had made a decision. A huge decision. He wanted Libby in his life; there was no way that he could face a lifetime without her. Marriage wasn’t the word he would use just yet, but he was definitely thinking long-term. The only problem was convincing her of that. Something was holding her back. He knew she cared about him. There was no doubt about that, she showed him every day in more ways than he could count. Why was she so adamant that their time together was short? Yeah, he knew it had been his idea to start with. Hell, he was ready to admit he was wrong. Yet, every time he put limits on the relationship, she had been only too happy to agree. Aron didn’t like that she agreed so damn readily. He wanted her to fight for him. So, when he got home – the mission had changed. Win Libby Fontaine. That was his new goal.

  When he started up the drive, he knew instantly something was wrong. It was only three o’clock and all of the brother’s trucks were there. They were pulled haphazardly around the front, as if they had all been in a hurry to get out and get into the house. His heart clutched in his chest. He didn’t want anything to happen to any of his brothers, but all he could think about was – Oh God - don’t let anything have happened to his precious Libby.

  He drove faster as he got closer and ended up skidding his King Ranch dangerously close to the wide front verandah steps. Leaping from the cab, he took the steps three at a time. Charging through the front door, he yelled. “What the hell is wrong? Libby! Libby, answer me sweetheart, right now!”

  “We need to call Doc Mulligan.” This was Jacob’s voice. A doctor? Who was Mulligan? By, God he’d find out. He followed the voices.

  “Shit, Aron’s here.” That was Isaac.

  “Like he’s not going to find us.” Joseph stage whispered. “We’re in the den, Aron!”

  Aron barreled into the ‘man-cave’ as Nathan called it and saw four of his brothers kneeling in front of the leather sofa. And behind them was – aw hell, it was his Libby.

  In a few short moves, he had displaced brothers both left and right. Kneeling at her side, he whispered, “Libby? Sweetheart?” She was so small and pale and her eyes were closed.

  “What the hell happened?” he looked directly at Jacob.

  “Aron, O Aron.” Libby opened her eyes, held out her arms, and as he took her, she began scooting over into his lap. “I am so glad you’re here, Aron. So glad. I missed you, so.”

  As Aron cuddled her close, he demanded again. “What happened to her?”

  “She fell off of Molly.” Jacob’s voice was level and quiet.

  Aron’s hands at once began moving over her body.

  Isaac snorted. “It’s her head, Aron.” Laughing, “I thought I’d tell you before you felt her up in front of us.”

  “Hush up, Isaac. There‘s nothing funny about this.” Aron’s voice was direct and succinct. He held her with one arm, while he began parting her hair, looking for a wound.

  “She hit her head on the fence when Molly threw her.” Jacob sounded as guilty as he felt.

  At Aron’s indrawn breath, Libby feared for Molly and Jacob’s safety. “It wasn’t Jacob’s fault, I begged him to teach me. And it wasn’t Molly’s fault – it was that humongous, horrible deadly snake that scared us!” Aron fought with everything he had not to smile, this was too serious.

  “It was a chicken snake.” Jacob said dryly.

  “A huge, ugly, vicious chicken snake!” Libby was very anti-serpent.

  “Why aren’t you in the hospital?” He looked at Libby, then at the brothers.

  “No, no, no, no.” She clung to his neck. “No hospital! Some of the worst days of my life have been spent in hospitals.” Aron cuddled her close.

  Jacob knelt by her and took her hand. Aron’s eyes widened. “Libby, see the doctor, please.” Jacob’s voice was low, but he spoke from his heart.

  “I’m fine, Jacob. I don’t need to see him.” Her eyes pled with him to let it drop. Knowing that Aron would take up Jacob’s mantra, Libby changed her tactic. “Aron, please take me to our room. I want to lie down and I need you to hold me.”

  That’s all it took, Aron rose and started off with her. Before he left the room, he turned and faced his brothers. “If I ever come home again and find her with so much as a paper cut, there will be hell to pay. I go off and leave the most precious thing I have in the world in your care and you let a horse throw her,” he paused and a small smile escaped his lips, “and a Godzilla-sized snake nearly swallowed her whole. It will not happen again!” With that he stalked off, his baby held close to his heart.

  “Yeah, this is a temporary thing. You can tell. He don’t care a thing in the world about her.” Isaac observed dryly.

  * * *

  Throwing back the covers, he carefully laid her down. “Where’s your little jammies, baby?” She hadn’t worn many sleeping things since the night they became lovers, but he had seen her in sleeping shorts and a tank.

  “They’re in my suitcase under Bess’s bed.”

  “Baby, why are you still living out of your suitcase?” He put his hands on his hips and looked down at her pointedly.

  “I don’t stay in that room very much, and this is your room, so the suitcase is more mobile.” He looked at her for a moment, and then walked out. Where was he going? Then, it occurred to her – he had gone to Bess’s room to hunt her clothes. She held her breath, afraid he would look in the closet and find the pasteboard box that held her most precious treasure. She had purchased Aron’s very first sculpture. It was a mustang stallion, head thrown back and mane blowing in the breeze. It was so good that one would think that horse would leap right off of its stand. She didn’t know why she was afraid for him to find it – it’s not like it would make him angry or anything. Still, a girl had to have some secrets. He didn’t need to have his ego grow any bigger than it already was.

  In a few seconds, he was back. Relieved he didn’t find the box, she saw that he had confiscated her other belongings. He set the suitcase on the bed and took out all of her meager wardrobe. She was embarrassed for him to see how very little she had.

  As Aron unpacked for Libby, his throat closed up a little bit when he counted five pairs of panties, two bras, four pairs of jeans and ten tops. This was all she had? Well, he would have to do something about that. He could see a shopping trip in their future.

  Turning, he emptied two of his drawers, rearranging his things to make room for hers. “You don’t have to do that Aron.”

  He ignored her argument. Instead, he set about to undressing her. Pulling off her top and jeans, he studied her curvy little body. Kneeling by the bed, he unhooked her bra. He kissed each breast, just one time. Next, he pulled her lacy pair of pink panties down her legs and leaned down, kissing the apex of her thighs, right above her small patch of curls. “You scared ten years off my life, baby. Hold up your arms.” Slipping the tank top over her head and the shorts up her legs, he then quickly shucked his clothes, throwing them left and right. “Scoot over.” Immediately, he wrapped himself around her, holding her so tight she could barely breathe. “I can’t stand the tho
ught of anything happening to you.”

  “I’m fine. I promise.”

  “Why was Jacob so insistent that you see the doctor?’ Aron carefully enunciated every word, indicating that he expected an answer.

  She had no intention of ever lying to him; she would just water down her answer so it was harmless. “I used to have a slight medical condition.”

  “What kind of a medical condition?” Aron raised up and captured her hands and held them over her head, effectively immobilizing her. “And I expect a straight answer, baby.”

  “It was a blood disorder, but I am perfectly healthy, right now.” God, let me be telling him the truth, she prayed.

  “A blood disorder - baby what does that mean?” Aron began kissing her face, murmuring little endearments against her skin.

  “It means I’m fine – I promise.” God help her if she was lying. “Aron?” it was time to pull out the big guns. “Aron, can I kiss your winkie?”

  A man could swell from an insult, he was proving it. “ELIZABETH, I DO NOT HAVE A WINKIE!”

  Libby giggled so hard she snorted. Before she could catch her breath, he was laughing along with her. “Okay, okay. Let me try again. Aron McCoy, sir. May I kiss your Gargantuan Purple Helmeted Warrior?”

  “That’s more like it, and yes you may.” He grinned at her mischievous smile. Then, his blood pressure started to rise. The sexiest woman he had ever been lucky enough to touch had just asked permission to give him a blowjob. “But, baby – are you sure you feel like it? You don’t have to. I’d be happy just holding you close all night.”

  “Lose the shorts.” She sat up, anxious to get his mind off blood disorders. “Now, you realize, I’ve never actually done this before.” All of a sudden she was unsure.

  “Anything you do to me will feel incredible, sweetheart. The excitement comes not from the act, but more from who is touching me.” He pulled down his shorts, his Johnson was already eight inches long and five inches around, and it wanted whatever Libby would give him. “Where do you want me?” He was giving her control.

  “I want to sit on the bed and you stand between my legs.” He got up off the bed, and turned to face her. She sat in front of him, her luscious hair falling in waves around her shoulders. Spreading her legs, she held out her hand. “Come to me, baby.”

  Excitement was making his toes curl. “You know that I won’t last long this way.”

  “You won’t have to, sweetie. This is going to excite me as much as it will you.” He stood still, fully at her mercy. Taking a deep breath, she eyed her prey. “My mouth is watering just looking at you, Aron. My lands, you are beautiful.” Her first move surprised him. Instead of touching his dick, she cupped his balls. Gently massaging them, she tested their weight.

  “Ohhh, Little One, you have talented hands.” Closing his eyes, he pushed his hips toward her, begging for more. She didn’t let him down. Libby took his penis in her hands, as if she were about to say a prayer, her palms flat, fingers meeting at the base. Pulling him close, she fit her mouth over the head, kissing it gently. Aron jerked in her hands. Using the tips of her fingers, she began to massage his cock, putting one fist over the other she twisted up and over his penis, touching the tip of her tongue to the little open slit every time it was exposed. Soon Aron was shaking, just waiting for the feel of her little tongue. His hips began to buck, so she gave in to what she wanted. Slipping her lips over the top, she opened her throat and accepted as much of him into her mouth as she could. “God, baby. Suck me, suck me, Libby.” It was hard for Libby to be still, so she just matched the movement of her hips with her mouth. Tightening her lips, she provided as much suction and heat as she could. “Oh, yeah, baby. That’s it. You’re so good.” he praised her.

  Letting go with her hands, she accepted another half inch down her throat and pulled him closer. She kneaded his tight butt, relishing the feel of all that incredible muscle. Emotion welled up in her heart and she groaned her pleasure. The vibration of her throat caused Aron to buck forward. Removing her hands from his butt, she grabbed his fingers and moved them to the back of her head. Slipping her mouth off for the slightest second, she requested, “You take control.”

  It was music to his ears, she was wet, tight, hot and exciting as all get out. Twisting her hair around one hand, he held her at his mercy. Aron was so excited that it was hard to be careful, but he refused to hurt his baby. Still, her mouth was absolute heaven and getting to pump into her at will was beyond compare. His dick swelled to bursting, the pressure was ringing in his ears. Her mouth was so sweet. Her little tongue was never still; it put as much pressure on him as her lips did. A frantic frenzy took over, he held her face still and pumped deep. Angling her head, he nudged his rod down her throat. Bless her heart, she didn’t gag even once. She opened herself up to him and provided him a place to play. Swallowing, she heightened his pleasure ten-fold. He would bet his life that was pure instinct on her part. But God, she had no idea how it made him feel. “Swallow again, precious. That was wild.” She did as he asked. Suddenly, she made her lips impossibly tight, sending him over the edge. “Shit! Baby! Do you want me to pull out or can you take it?” He was asking if she would swallow his cum. He waited for a sign from her. Gritting his teeth, he held back until she clasped his hips again, holding him in place, letting him know that she intended to accept his release into her mouth. “Hell, yeah, doll. Suck it!” She was relentless, bearing down with the sweetest tension. Bellowing aloud, he shot his essence down her throat and she accepted it like she was born to it.

  She was reluctant to let him go, moving her tongue against him even in his spent state. Bending over, he took her face in his hands and as he pulled his penis out of her mouth, he placed his lips over hers, showing her how grateful he was for the gift she had given him.

  Pushing her back, he followed her over. “You are perfection, did you know that?” Rolling to her side, she snuggled up to him.

  “I did pretty well for my first time, huh?” she nudged her face against him, petting him like a contented cat.

  “There is no one like you, Libby. No one even comes close.”

  Moving against him again, he realized she was in need. “What do you want doll? I’ll do anything, all you have to do is ask.”

  “Will you put your knee up against me, between my legs, and let me ride. I’ve fantasized about doing that.” Just hearing the words come out of her mouth did wonders for his excitement level.

  “Gladly, doll. Pleasing you is the greatest pleasure I could ever have.” He positioned himself to accommodate her request, pressing his knee between her thighs.

  “Wait, sweetie. I’m already wet. Let me change and put on something clean. You don’t want to get my stuff all over your leg.” She got up off the bed and went to dig in the drawer where he put her underwear. His mouth dropped. Was she serious?

  “Come back here, Libby Lou.” She stopped to see what was wrong. “Pull off your panties, baby. I want to feel all of you – wet and wild – right against my skin. Your dripping little pussy is a badge of honor for me; it’s my way of knowing that I’m doing something right.” He held his hand out to her.

  “Are you sure?” She was serious.

  “Honey, if you leave your sweet cream on my thigh, all it’ll do is excite the hell out of me.” Flashing him a little smile, she hung her thumbs in the waist band of her sleep shorts and pulled down, revealing his private treasure. Already, he was swelling, but first he would give her what she asked for and then he’d give her what she needed. Taking her by the waist he lifted her, and as she came over him, he fit his leg right against her swollen center.

  “Aron, that feels so good.” He bent his leg and let her mold her body to his. Wrapping both her legs around one of his, she held on for dear life and began to pull her clitoris back and forth over his hair-roughened thigh. Laying her head on his shoulder, she let
herself go.

  Aron was absolutely enchanted. He’d never seen anything so erotic in his life. Her mouth-watering, heart-shaped bottom was bobbing up and down and her incredible breasts were scrubbing up and down on his chest revving his engines to the highest gear. Unable to stop himself, he plucked at her nipples, causing her to moan. She humped his leg and honest to God he thought he would die. “Libby, doll – you are killing me.”

  With glazed eyes, she looked at him – she was in a frenzy. “This is wonderful, Aron – but please tell me you’re hard – I need you so badly that I could cry.” With a triumphant shout, he picked her up and moved her down to his cock which was standing up straight – ready, willing and able.

  “Take me, Libs. Rise up and let me in.” Heated and aroused, she reached between her legs and closed her fist around his fully erect penis. Holding steady, she eased down onto him.

  “Oh, sweet baby, sweet baby Aron. You are so big. You fill me up so good.” Libby shivered with absolute delight as she lowered herself fully until her groin met his – his cock completely encased in her welcoming warmth.

  “Now, baby. You’ve been wanting to take a ride –now’s your chance. Give me your hands, sweetheart.” She did, her eyes wide with excitement.

  “I don’t know how to move, you’ve got to help me.” Before when they made love, Aron was always in control, now she had the reins and she wanted to do it right.

  “My pleasure, doll, my pleasure.” His dick was so ready to rock and roll that it took every ounce of control he had to take his time with her. This was about Libby, damn it. “You don’t have to bounce up and down, it feels better for both of us if you rock gently back and forth to begin with.” He felt her move, Holy Mother of God, she was sweet. Her channel was like warm velvet. “Yeah, just like that. See, baby – you wanted to ride something – now you are. You’re too precious to risk on a real horse, so I’ll just let you ride my rocking horse.” If it hadn’t felt so good, she would’ve laughed at him, but her clit was having a party on his pelvic bone as she rode herself to heaven and back. Before long, she sped up - her breasts were bouncing sweetly and his hands couldn’t stay away. Aron decided to offer his support, he cupped her tits – massaging her nipples as she gyrated and undulated on his stiff organ.